Kickstart to Confident LivingSýnishorn

Kickstart to Confident Living

DAY 3 OF 5


Have you ever heard the saying, "fake it until you make it?" If you haven't, this saying encourages you to imitate what it is you desire to receive. Whether it's confidence or an optimistic outlook, acting in a way that showcases confidence, even if you don't currently recognize your confidence, can offer a temporary reward. Keyword, temporary. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to faith. You can't fake faith because you can't fool God.

As the above scripture states, the Lord searches the heart and examines the mind. He knows if you are being disingenuous. Just as Jesus condemned the Pharisees for being hypocrites, He will correct us as well. It doesn't matter just what we show on the outside. If your inwards are unaligned, it becomes unpleasing to God. As Jeremiah 17:10 shares how the reward will come according to what their deeds deserve, your deeds will reveal what your faith looks like.

Real faith receives real results. Fake faith... well, you get the picture. Being H.O.T., I can recall the times I pretended to be something that was not at my core. As I stated before, the results were temporary. Eventually, I grew tired of being something I wasn't. Being honest, open, and transparent, my "fake it until you make it" led to the choice of disobedience, which lead to a failed marriage and years of healing and therapy. (This is a much deeper story for another time.)

The truth is, God doesn't bless what you try to be. He honors who you are and what you do. Remember, what flows from your heart will reveal your sincerity.


Ask yourself, how is sincerity shown through your faith? Be H.O.T. (honest, open, and transparent). Were there times your heart was not aligned with your actions? Share how you have overcome or if you are currently struggling with this, write out scriptures that will help you overcome.


I stand in awe of you, Father. I humbly ask that you search my heart for its sincerity. Even though there may be moments when my faith appears weak, I ask for your help to always keep it genuine and sincere. Strengthen me in You. Amen.

Dag 2Dag 4

About this Plan

Kickstart to Confident Living

Confidence is all about being sure. It’s having the trust and belief that you’ll succeed. But are you living with God-confidence? Self-confidence is the feeling that you can handle it all on your own, but, God-confidence relies on the certainty that only with God will you experience the strength, tenacity, and resilience needed to handle life’s challenges. Read this plan to increase your God-confidence and experience Confident Living.
