Hunger & ThirstSýnishorn

Hunger & Thirst

DAY 2 OF 4

What Are You Hungry For?

I used to struggle with with this portion of scripture from Mark 7 a lot when I first encountered it. Why? This woman came to Jesus for healing and His response was, “Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” (Mark 7:27 NLT). This woman could have chosen to be offended by Jesus' words, but she looked beyond offense and confusion and made one of the most profound statements of faith ever.

Mark 7:28, “And she answered and said to Him, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.” (NLT).

She was thirsty! She wanted to know Jesus and experience the healing he had to offer. What a wise woman! She understood that bread eaten by dogs is still bread. Crumbs are better than nothing! Imagine if she had been offended and left? She would have gained nothing. She stayed and pleaded her case as someone deserving of something, no matter how big or little.

The nutrients in the bread are the same in the crumbs. If there are vitamins in the bread, there will be vitamins in the crumbs. In essence, she was saying to Jesus, "Don’t worry about the bread; just give me the crumbs and I will be fine." Jesus probably smiled as He said, “Good answer”. Thirst!

I have read Jesus’ response in different translations of the Bible and His response to the woman was “Good answer!”. He said. “Now go home, for the demon has left your daughter.” (Mark 7:29 NLT). In other words, Jesus told her that her answer was correct. A lot of people would have been offended. However, if you are thirsty, you are thirsty. You want what you want, regardless of what anyone says to you or about you.

Do not get offended. What are you thirsty for?

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