Uncommen: Rest BoldlySýnishorn

Uncommen: Rest Boldly

DAY 1 OF 5

Work Hard. Rest Well.

It's satisfying to put in a hard day's work and then take time to relax and recharge for the next day. It's even more important to put in the right kind of work.

Oh, we are busy, alright. Sometimes we invest countless hours in activities that do not benefit the kingdom or even our faith. 

"All things are lawful," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful," but not all things build up." - 1 Corinthians 10:23

We certainly are free to watch television, go fishing, etc. These are lawful things. Sometimes, they may be beneficial (IE. a father-son fishing trip to grow your bond). Sometimes, they aren't helpful. We must have discernment and wisdom when it comes to the kind of work we do.

For most people, we spend Monday-Friday working the majority of the day, and we look forward to the weekend for recharging and rest. This isn't a selfish desire. It's a God-given one. We were made to work hard (see the Garden before the fall in Genesis 2:15). However, we were made for rest.

God rested, and so we should. Rest shouldn't automatically mean disengage and close your eyes, however. Our weekly rest should turn our eyes to thankfulness and awe of our glorious God. The break from hard work refocuses our hearts upon the great Creator. It's an interruption from the constant, daily disruption to remind us of who we serve.

So, what we can learn from 1 Corinthians 10:23 and Genesis 2:2-3 is that we should work hard at the good, glorifying things and that we should rest well in the thankfulness of our great God.

Uncommen Questions:

What is good, glorifying work?

How can we be thankful for God?

Uncommen Challenge:

Work hard. Rest well.

Dag 2

About this Plan

Uncommen: Rest Boldly

Join us as we take a look at what it means to rest boldly in God. While we were created with a purpose, we were also given space to rest and we’ll look at several situations in which to do that…boldly!
