Mile MarkersSýnishorn

Mile Markers

DAY 3 OF 4


God is clear on the mile markers that reveal where we are with Him and indicate our progress toward spiritual maturity. How we think about money is one of these markers. In fact, Jesus talked more about our attitude toward money than almost any other subject.

I know we come from diverse backgrounds, and we’ve been taught different things about money, but it’s essential that if we’re going to follow Jesus, we allow God to re-shape our attitude toward money. Without that transformation, we can’t progress in our walk with Christ and grow toward maturity in Him. 

King Solomon said, “Whoever loves money never has enough.” (Ecclesiastes 5:10) When there is an incorrect relationship with money, you can’t ever have enough. John D. Rockefeller Sr. was asked, “How much money is enough?” He replied, “Just a little bit more.”

We’ve all thought that having more money would solve all our problems and make us happy, but in reality, only God can satisfy us, give us real joy. God wants us to find our fulfillment in Him and look to Him as our source. 

Money—and the things it can buy—were never designed to make us happy or bring us fulfillment. Our Designer created us so that money could never fill the emptiness in our lives. Only He can do that.

Money is morally neutral. It is our attitude toward money that is a problem. Paul writes to Timothy and warns him that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10).

The pursuit of wealth is the number one priority for many in our culture. Jesus said it is hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven. We can be deceived by our wealth to think we don’t need God or others. 

Don’t misunderstand. Jesus isn’t telling us to be poor, but He is warning us about the love of money. The ambition to be rich falls short of God’s plan for us. Jesus invites us to pursue God first, and then He will add everything else we need. David looked back on his life and was inspired to write, “Because the Lord has been my Shepherd, I’ve had everything I needed—my cup has overflowed.” 

The way to spiritual maturity is to trust Jesus with our whole heart and not the things we possess. It is to pursue a relationship with Him first.

Prayer: God, today, I ask You to forgive me for making the pursuit of things my priority over my relationship with You. I acknowledge that You are the source of every good gift in my life. Help me to honor You with all that I am and all that I have.

Mile Marker 3: MONEY — Everything I am and all that I have is a gift from God to be used for His glory. Living gratefully, generously, and providing for the needs of my family and others in need are a mark of spiritual maturity.

Dag 2Dag 4

About this Plan

Mile Markers

Mile markers tell us where we are, and the progress we are making on our journey. There are also spiritual mile markers that point to where we are with God and our progress toward spiritual maturity. We tend to make up what we think is important to God, but God is clear on the mile markers that matter. In this devotional, we will look at four of those mile markers.
