Mile MarkersSýnishorn

Mile Markers

DAY 2 OF 4


How we see ourselves so often dictates how we treat others. As followers of Jesus, God wants us to learn to see ourselves and others through His eyes. 

Jesus had a message for those who were so confident in their own righteousness and looked down on others. He told a story about two men who went to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other a tax collector. See if you have ever felt like one of these characters?

The Pharisee was a religious person who was devout, well-trained in the Scriptures, and strictly disciplined. He put a lot of effort into “being good” and keeping the rules of his community. In his prayer, he reminded God of the good things he had done and how much better he was than others. 

In contrast, the tax collector realized he was guilty of stealing from others to enrich himself. He knew he had done wrong and hung his head in humility and prayed, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.”  

One, trapped in his performance-based religion and proud of his good behavior, was unaware of his own sinfulness on full display before God. On the other hand, the hated tax collector recognized the truth about himself that he was spiritually bankrupt. Jesus wrapped up the story saying it was, in fact, the tax collector, not the Pharisee, who went home justified before God because he humbled himself.

Humility is our second mile marker. Can we see ourselves and others the way God sees us? Have we agreed with God about our own sinfulness and received His grace? And, equally important, are we able to respond to others with the same generous grace we have received?

Prayer: God, today, I confess my sin of pride that causes me to look down on others. Help me see myself as You see me and show others the same grace You have given me. Amen. 

Mile Marker 2: HUMILITY — When I see myself the way God sees me, I’m able to treat others the way God treats me—with grace.

Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

Mile Markers

Mile markers tell us where we are, and the progress we are making on our journey. There are also spiritual mile markers that point to where we are with God and our progress toward spiritual maturity. We tend to make up what we think is important to God, but God is clear on the mile markers that matter. In this devotional, we will look at four of those mile markers.
