Authentic Kingdom Culture – A New And Better Covenant!Sýnishorn

Authentic Kingdom Culture – A New And Better Covenant!

DAY 2 OF 4


Kingdom Value – God Desires to Be Close to Us!

Old Covenant Reality

From the days of Moses until Jesus’ birth, personal relationship with God was only accessible to a chosen few. The average person had no access to God’s Presence. In fact, being in God’s Presence was something to be feared. In Exodus 19, God instructs Moses several times to warn the Israelites not to even approach the mountain from which He spoke to Moses, lest they die! The people grew so afraid of God that when Moses came down with his face glowing from speaking with God, they were afraid of him, too, and he had to cover his face with a veil. 

There was also another veil in the Bible. This veil covered the access to the innermost sanctum of the temple - the Holy of Holies. This was where the Presence of God dwelt and again the average believer had absolutely no access. In here only the High Priest could go and only once a year after making sacrifices for his sin and the sin of the people. These two veils in scripture are symbolic of man’s separation from God.

New Covenant Reality

Then Jesus came! As His flesh was torn, He tore the veil and made the Presence of God accessible to every man, woman and child who believes in Him. He became our High Priest, His blood the sacrifice made once for all. The beautiful brush strokes of this amazing truth are painted all over the New Testament in such verses as these:

Hebrews 10:19-22 (ESV)

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

My brothers and sisters, this is good news! Every one of us can know God personally and intimately. Do not underestimate this new reality. This is not just that we can know God. After all, the Israelites knew God. In fact, they saw Him do mighty works in their lives. But they could not be in His Presence! This is about closeness and intimacy. God’s heart desire for us is to experience His tangible Presence. He wants us to enter the Holy of Holies and bask in His felt Presence! It’s the reason why He tore the veil! 

Points to pray/journal: 

  1. Do I believe that I can be as close to God as Moses was? 
  2. Is experiencing the Presence of God on a daily basis a priority in my life?


  • The Father desires to spend time with me 24/7! 
  • As I spend time in His Presence I become more and more like Jesus!
Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

Authentic Kingdom Culture – A New And Better Covenant!

When Jesus came in the flesh, died and resurrected, He unleashed in the world a new covenant reality - the kingdom of God. At the heart of this new covenant are the values of our King and the cultural transformation He longs to see in the world. This plan is a daily discovery of what moves Jesus’ heart. I pray that each day our hearts are made more like His!
