Faith Over FearSýnishorn

Faith Over Fear

DAY 10 OF 10

In our often fickle, easily angered world, it's easy to assume God displays similar traits. As a result, we may fear that our sins, past or present, are too deep, or too persistent for Him to ever forgive. Perhaps we're afraid He'll lose His patience or cut us off entirely. Or maybe we simply believe we're too dirty, too broken to ever be used and loved by God.

For a long time, that's how I felt. I struggled to fully grasp and live in God’s grace. Whenever I lost my temper, said something unkind, or gave in to temptation though I’d confess my sin to God and apologize to whomever I wronged, I held tightly to guilt and self-condemnation. I focused on my moral failings—all my mistakes—more than the cross.

Two books helped me understand grace in a much deeper, more soul-healing way. The first was The Ragamuffin Gospel and though it didn’t contain any truths I hadn’t heard before, somehow reading about God’s love and mercy night after night helped those truths stick. 

He quieted my fears with His perfect, steadfast love.

The second book, Saturate, was written by a pastor who appeared to have many of the same struggles and reactions I did. Once, while leading a small faith community in his home, he began treating his wife poorly. When the others called him out, he didn’t get defensive. Rather, he acknowledged his sin, confessed to God, apologized to his wife and the others, and moved on. Each time I read similar examples, my heart felt a little freer. Was it really that easy to live in grace, I wondered? 

Years ago, while reading through Hebrews 11, sometimes referred to as the “faith chapter,” I asked my Bible professor why Abraham was often referred to as a man of faith when he clearly doubted God and often responded in fear. My professor’s response: Why are we called people of faith when we doubt Christ again and again? That’s grace.

I’m so thankful God’s grace and faithfulness isn’t dependent on me and my ability to love and serve Him perfectly. If that were possible, Jesus wouldn’t have had to die on the cross. But His death proved how desperately I need Him and the lengths He went to, to draw me near, wash me clean, and free me from all guilt and shame. In Christ, I find the strength to choose faith over fear and He gives His mercy and grace freely. All He asks me to do in response is receive the gift He’s given. 

~Jennifer Slattery

I hope you enjoyed this Bible reading plan. Visit Jennifer Slattery's Faith Over Fear page  on her website for more faith-bolstering resources.

Dag 9

About this Plan

Faith Over Fear

We were not created to live in fear. God wants us to live with boldness, confidence, peace, and impact, and He's given us tools in Scripture to help us anchor ourselves deeper into faith-bolstering truth.
