Blending A Family 40 day DevotionalSýnishorn

Finding Individual Wholeness
In 1994 our family moved from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The home we bought had no kitchen pantry, so Moe and I went to an antique auction to find a large piece of furniture to serve that purpose. We found an armoire we liked but could not inspect it before the auction started. We bid on it, and won the bid at $365!
Moe picked up the armoire two days later, and it began to fall apart in our trailer on the way home. We reassembled it in the house and built shelves in it.
A few weeks later when a furniture repairman came to fix a bed, he saw the armoire.We told him the story. He began to educate us, informing us that it was a French traveling armoire built to come apart and be put back together. It was designed for students moving into a dormitory. He inspected it and found a signature on the bottom. He quickly appraised the armoire at $10,000!
In the life of this armoire, someone had lost sight of its value and sent it to an auction house. When our lives have fallen apart, we often fail to see the value in ourselves that God has never lost sight of. Father God has a heart to redeem, revive and restore us.
Many couples who marry and create a blended family come from other past relationships and can carry the past into the new family. We can enter the new marriage with an unrealistic expectation that our new spouse will make life better, and make us feel better.
Nowhere in the Bible do we find that God wants His children to live unforgiven and defeated. Instead, the Bible teaches that God is a God of restoration.
Repent is defined as “such sorrow for past life as produces a new life.” When we truly repent from our sins (stopping our offensive behavior and unforgiveness toward God and others), God is gracious to redeem us and bring forth complete restoration in our lives.
Our Prayer for you:
Father God, we celebrate our redemption and restoration through Your amazing mercy and grace. We are so grateful to You and we give You thanks and praise for Your great love. Thank You for the gift of Your Son sent to give us an abundant life. In Jesus’ Name!
Copyright 2019 Moe and Paige Becnel @ Blending A Family Ministry
About this Plan

Blending a Family 40-day Devotional written by Moe and Paige Becnel at Blending a Family Ministry is a resource for remarried families. The Becnel’s married in 1989 with 5 children, and were quickly overwhelmed with many issues exclusive to blended families. The plan discusses the cause of the issues many families face, and provides solutions found in God’s Word that fuel family growth. God is for you!