Never Alone: A Six-Day Study By Tiffany BluhmSýnishorn

Never Alone: A Six-Day Study By Tiffany Bluhm

DAY 4 OF 6

Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus associating with and ministering to people in every class, race, and region. So it is not unusual that, before the mention of this woman in the story, we see Jesus—lover of sinners and saints—accept an invitation to eat with a Pharisee. Simon was presumably a prominent Pharisee who may not have believed Jesus to be the Messiah or even a prophet but who, nevertheless, invited Him into his home. We aren’t given the motive behind Simon’s invitation, but his thoughts and actions reveal a heart that did not honor the true Messiah who sat at his table.

The woman who threw herself at the feet of Jesus knew pain, shame, and rejection. She knew life without love until the truth of Jesus radically transformed her soul. The passion in her actions shouted to everyone of her love for Jesus. Instead of separating her from the love of God, her sin only served to indicate just how much He loved her. She loved greatly because she had been forgiven much. 

Simon did not give his guest of honor the opportunity to wash his feet, offer a kiss, or anoint his head with oil as were the customs in that day. Perhaps Simon didn’t want to appear to be too eager or interested in the Rabbi. But the sinful woman, in contrast, had no such reservations and lavishly showered Jesus with love, gratitude, and honor—the kind of honor given to a prestigious guest.

Jesus not only accepted her; He forgave her—to the great amazement of the other guests. Their question, “Who is this, who even forgives sins?” suggests an answer to Jesus’ identity. 

Jesus left Simon the Pharisee’s home smelling of the woman’s costly perfume. He wasn’t ashamed to associate himself with a woman like her. No shameful past, act, or thought separated her from the love of God made plain in Jesus.

Belovedness. That is what Jesus sees in us just as He did the woman who wept at His feet. When our hearts suffer from rejection, Jesus is the only One who can help us. Not a single human being can heal what was intended for the Son of Glory to heal. He offers His presence when we offer our vulnerability. He meets us in our most tender and broken places. And He forgives and restores.



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Never Alone: A Six-Day Study By Tiffany Bluhm

In this six-day study, Tiffany reveals the healing power of Jesus’ unconditional love through his encounters with six hurting women in the Gospels. Each life-changing encounter reveals a compassionate Savior who offers hope and second chances, helping us to embrace our own value and indispensable role in the kingdom. Experience the unfailing companionship of Jesus, who heals our deepest hurts and proves to be all we’ve ever needed. 
