Never Alone: A Six-Day Study By Tiffany BluhmSýnishorn

Never Alone: A Six-Day Study By Tiffany Bluhm

DAY 3 OF 6

This dishonored woman likely went to the well at noon so that she would not be seen because she feared the other women’s comments about her past husbands and current living situation. This must have made it all the more surprising for Jesus, a Rabbi, to engage with her. But Jesus didn’t shame her. Instead, He displayed kindness and compassion by explaining the meaning of living water, the true gift of God. He revealed His knowledge of her life circumstances only after she requested the living water of which He spoke. Jesus willingly admitted that He was the Messiah she had been waiting for. He alone could satiate her soul with living water that would never run dry. Jesus did not pass her over but sought her because He loved her. 

In the same way, Jesus does not run from us but seeks us and draws near to us. That’s good news, because we all long to be desired, known, and loved. 

While serving in ministry in London in my early twenties, I met a tall, handsome Englishman who stole my heart, and I was convinced I was going to spend my life with him. After dating for a year, I was sure we might start talking about marriage. One afternoon he invited me over to talk about something important, and I arrived with butterflies in my stomach. Rather than talk of marriage, he made it clear his desire for me had dissolved. With tears soaking my face, I left feeling like an unlovable woman. An hour before, I was on top of the world, but now I felt rejected, abandoned. When we feel unwanted, our hearts can turn on us, convincing us that we are ugly, broken, and useful to no one.

Our great longing is to be accepted and seen as significant. So, when rejection tries to steal the true identity God intended for us, we’re often left wondering if we had any value to begin with. The lies of exclusion whisper that we aren’t attractive enough, skinny enough, smart enough, accomplished enough, or good enough. Like the woman at the well, we need Jesus, who affirms that we are entitled to love and abundant life in Him. 

Friend, Jesus is not put off by our patterns in relationships or life or our feelings of rejection. It’s Jesus Himself who restores honor, dignity, and value to our hearts.



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Never Alone: A Six-Day Study By Tiffany Bluhm

In this six-day study, Tiffany reveals the healing power of Jesus’ unconditional love through his encounters with six hurting women in the Gospels. Each life-changing encounter reveals a compassionate Savior who offers hope and second chances, helping us to embrace our own value and indispensable role in the kingdom. Experience the unfailing companionship of Jesus, who heals our deepest hurts and proves to be all we’ve ever needed. 
