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Dating & The Single Mom: By Jennifer MaggioIhe Atụ

Dating & The Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggio


Proceed with Caution.

The devastation of a divorce or a failed relationship can take years to heal, varying widely from individual to individual. The remnants that remain from loss and trauma can have lasting effects. The worst thing that could happen to you or your precious children is to go through it again. Don’t throw caution to the wind. Pray. Seek. Listen. Be still before God and hear what he has for you. Don’t be blinded by emotion such that you can hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Step 3 to dating as a single mom: Don’t Ignore the Red Flags!

The world tells us to follow our hearts, throw caution to the wind, and jump into deep relationship waters quickly, but the Bible has much to say on wisdom. Ephesians 5:15 urges us to be careful how we choose to live. We should take care to act with wisdom, prayer, and discernment, not throwing caution to the wind, as the world would say. Scripture calls that foolish. Do not be hasty.

While there can be many red flags in a new relationship that help give us a gauge of our future with an individual, here are a few major ones to consider to guard our hearts against foolishness:

  • Is he rude, late, or disrespectful of you or others?
  • Is he unemployed? Delinquent on financial obligations or child support?
  • Does he ignore the boundaries you have shared are important to you?
  • Is he good with your children?
  • Do your family and friends like him?
  • Is he actively involved in a local church? Does he exhibit the fruit of his faith?
  • Does he have health accountability through a Bible study leader, pastor, father, or other trusted, godly role model?

If you embark upon a new relationship and observe red flags, don’t make excuses and pretend it will go away. It won’t. It will only get bigger, so be careful to proceed with caution to protect your heart and that of your family.

Points to Ponder:

  • Am I listening to what God wants for me, or am I listening to my heart? Am I approaching dating with caution?
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Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Dating & The Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggio

Oh, the ol’ bugaboo of dating. The excitement of a new relationship is often eclipsed by the fear that you might be left broken, hurt, and disappointed - not to mention the potential of hurting your children! This five-day devotional was written for the single mom considering dating, starting to date, or even wondering if she should begin dating in this season of life. So, let’s jump right in. 


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