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The Doctrines Of GraceIhe Atụ

The Doctrines Of Grace


Total Depravity

Total Depravity, the first of the Doctrines of Grace, says that human beings are not inherently good after all. Every part of them is bound by sin and corruption. They cannot do anything on their own power to please or be reconciled to a holy God. They are incapable of choosing to know and love God, or of carrying out any spiritual good without the prior regeneration of the Holy Spirit. And everyone is affected; no one human being is more or less depraved than the next – regardless of how much more openly it manifests in some people than in others. I remember feeling so relieved when I learned this, because it finally made sense why I desired to do what would please God, but failed over and over and over again to change myself to meet those standards. 

What the doctrine of total depravity does not mean, on the other hand, is that humanity is as depraved as it could possibly be, and this is just another testament of God’s grace. Even non-Christians are capable of love, generosity, kindness and obedience. When we say that all people are depraved, we mean that they are unable – because of their inherent and overpowering sin nature – to do what is righteous as far as how they relate to God. They are not devoid of any kind of virtue whatsoever; but they are devoid, in and of themselves, of the goodness required for right relations with the Lord. If we are given the option to choose either the corrupt thing or the righteous thing, it is inevitable that we choose the corrupt thing. It is also worth noting that the doctrine of total depravity also does not work as an excuse for being slothful in the war against the flesh. Sanctification is inseparable from life as a genuine Christian. The distinction here is that God is the one responsible for the victory. 

If this doctrine was biblical, wouldn’t more Christians accept it? The unfortunate truth is that we’re reluctant to admit that we are powerless to save ourselves in any way. It is difficult to accept that we do not have what it takes after all. That’s the advice we’re usually given, is it not? You’re worthy. You can do it. You don’t need anyone but yourself. Yet this isn’t true of the Christian life, according to Scripture. 

Ecclesiastes 7:29 says that people have sought out evil schemes – which indicates deliberation, contrary to the idea that we simply stumble upon the wrong thing. Psalm 143:2 and Romans 3:23 say there is no one who is righteous before God. 2 Chronicles 6:36 says “there is no one who does not sin.” Ephesians 2:3 says that “we are by nature children of wrath.” Genesis 8:21 says the “intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth.” Jeremiah 17:9 says “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick.” Titus 3:3 says that we are “bound to various passions and pleasures.” John 3:19 says that people prefer darkness over light. Romans 7:18 says, “Nothing good dwells in me . . . in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out."

We do not despair, however. Our total depravity means we are in need of a perfect Savior who is able to do what we cannot do for ourselves – and the good news of the Gospel is that such salvation is available to us in the Son, Jesus Christ, who is the holy God incarnate. We may be wretched, but we can still rejoice and be sanctified. Paul affirms this in the latter part of Romans 7: “Who will save me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord!” I couldn’t put it any better myself. Total depravity is a doctrine of grace because the abounding grace of God Himself is the only hope that we have. 

By Jessica Hageman

Discussion questions to journal:

  1. What is the human condition? Are people inherently good or bad?
  2. Read Genesis 6:11, Romans 3:23 and Ephesians 2:1-3. In these passages, we see that we are a corrupt, sinful and spiritually dead people apart from God. What does it mean to be spiritually dead and children of wrath?
  3. Read Genesis 6:5, Romans 3:10-18. What is the scope of our sin? How deeply engrained is sin in us?
  4. God is just, holy and good and we fall short of His law. What is the appropriate response? Should we get a pass, or do we deserve punishment?
  5. We see that our depravity establishes the cause of our condemnation. It helps us to understand the need for salvation but we cannot save ourselves. What is our great hope in this? Where do we find our salvation?
  6. As believers we should feel immeasurably grateful because we are no better than anyone else, we should feel a humble joy — He saved us because He loves us. What should we do in response to this?

Click here to learn more about Total Depravity

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Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

The Doctrines Of Grace

This five day plan is an in-depth study of the doctrines of grace. T.U.L.I.P. is a heading of Theology that magnifies the sovereignty of God. Exalting God’s grace is the truth expressed in the doctrines of grace.
