Mattha 9
A paralysed man made bettèr
1Jesus climmed ïntae a bóat, sailed ower tha ither side an cum tae hïs ain toon. 2The' brocht a paralysed man tae hïm, lyin on a bed. An whaniver Jesus saa tha faith the' haed, he saed tae tha paralysed man, “Tak hairt, sinn; yer sïns ïs aa forgien.” 3At thïs, some o tha maistèrs o tha Laa saed amang thairsels, “That's naethin but blesphemie!” 4Knowin whut the' wur thïnkin, Jesus saed, “Hoo cum yis hae sitch wïckit thochts ïn yer hairt? 5Is ït aisier tae say, ‘Yer sïns ïs forgien ye,’ or tae say, ‘Get up an waak’? 6But jist sae as ye'll ken tha Sinn o Man haes tha pooer tae forgie sïns here on irth...” - he then saed tae tha paralysed man - “Up ye get, lïft yer bed an gae hame.” 7An tha man stud up, sae he dïd, an he went awa hame. 8Whan tha thrang saen thïs, the' wur fïllt wi wunnèrment; an the' gien glorie tae God fer giein sitchana thortie tae a man.
Jesus caas Mattha
9Whan Jesus wus trevelin on frae thair, he saa a tex man bi tha name o Mattha sïttin ïn hïs hut. “Follae me,” he toul hïm, an Mattha ris up an follaed hïm.
10A while latèr, whan Jesus wus at a dennèr at Mattha's hoose, thair wus a hale lock o tex men an ither fowk o ïll repute aitin alang wi hïm an hïs follaers. 11Whaniver tha Pharisees saen thïs, the' axt hïs follaers, “Whut's yer maistèr daein aitin wi thaim tex men an sïnners?” 12On hearin thïs, Jesus saed, “It ïs no thaim that's weel needs a doctèr, but thaim that's seeck. 13But awa an lairn tha mainin o thïs Scrïpture: ‘It's mercie A'm eftèr, A'm no eftèr secryfice.’ Fer A hinnae cum fer tae caa tha guid fowk [tae repent], A hae cum fer tae caa sïnners.”
Tae fast or no tae fast
14An ït wus then that Jhone's follaers cum up an axt hïm, “Hoo ïs ït that tha Pharisees an us ir aye fastin, but your follaers dïnnae fast?” 15Jesus saed bak tae thaim, “Dae ye thïnk tha waddin guests wud murn while tha bridegruim ïs still wi thaim? Thair'll cum a day but, whaniver tha bridegruim wull be tuk awa frae thaim; an ït's then the'll be fastin. 16Naebodie patches thair oul duds wi a bït o new claith, fer tha patch'll pu awa an mak ït waur. 17Nether wud the' poor new wine ïntae oul wineskïns. Fer ïf the' dae, tha skïns wull brust, tha wine wull rin oot an tha wineskïns wull be ruint. Na, the' poor new wine ïntae new wineskïns, an tha baith o thaim wull keep.”
A wumman hailt an a wee lass brocht bak tae life
18Noo whaniver he wus sayin thïs, a heidyin o tha Meetin Hoose cum an got doon on hïs knees afore hïm an saed, “Ma wee dochtèr haes deed jist thair noo. But cum an pit yer han on hir, an she'll cum bak tae life.” 19An Jesus got up an gaed wi hïm, as weel as hïs follaers. 20An lo an behoul, thair wus thïs wumman that wus bothert wi bleedin fer twal yeir. She cum up behin hïm an toucht tha enn o hïs cloke. 21Fer saed she til hirsel, “If A can jist touch hïs cloke, A wull be made weel agane.” 22Jesus turnt roon an saen hir. “Tak hairt, dochtèr dear,” he saed, “Yer faith haes made ye weel.” An tha wumman wus hailt that verie mïnit. 23Noo whan Jesus cum tae tha hame o tha heidyin o tha Meetin Hoose, he saa tha funèral flutèrs an aa tha hale thrang foofin an greetin, an he saed, 24“Awa er that! Tha wee lass ïs no deid, she's jist sleepin.” But the' begun tae lach at hïm. 25Eftèr tha crood wus püt oot tha dure, Jesus gaed ïn an tuk tha wee lass bi tha han, an she ris tae hir feet. 26An thïs wus aa tha taak o that hale kintrieside.
Twa blin men
27As Jesus gaed on frae thair, twa blin men follaed hïm, caain oot, “Sinn o Davit, tak peetie on iz!” 28Whaniver he went ïntae hïs hoose, tha blin men cum ïn tae, an he axt thaim, “Dae yis believe A hae tha pooer fer tae dae whut ye'r wantin?” “Ay, Loard,” the' saed, “we dae.” 29Then he toucht thair een an saed, “It'll be daen tae ye, accoardin tae yer faith.” 30An thair sicht cum bak, an the' cud see! Jesus gien thaim a guid warnin an saed, “Luk here, dïnnae you be tellin oniebodie aboot thïs.” 31But nae shuiner wur the' oot, than the' stairtit tae spreed tha news aboot hïm aa roon tha hale kintrie.
32An eftèr the' left, a man that wus bothert wi ïll spïrits an cudnae spake wus brocht tae Jesus. 33An Jesus driv oot tha ïll spïrit, sae tha man that wus dum cud noo spake. Tha crood o fowk wus dumfoonèrt an saed, “We niver saen tha laiks o thïs ïn Israel afore!” 34But tha Pharisees saed, “It's tha Deil, tha heidyin o tha ïll spïrits that gies hïm tha pooer tae cast oot ïll spïrits!”
A gran hairst ïs waitin
35An Jesus trevelt throu aa tha toons an vïllages, taichin ïn thair Meetin Hooses, praichin tha Guid News o tha Kïngdom, an hailin iverie kine o disaise an ailment. 36Whaniver he saen tha croods, hïs hairt went oot tae thaim, acause the' wur aa laik sheep wi nae shepherd: troublet, on thair lane, wi nae róad tae turn. 37Then he saed tae hïs follaers, “Thair's a gran hairst waitin, but thair's no monie warkers tae gether ït ïn. 38Sae keep on axin tha Loard o tha hairst tae senn oot mair warkers ïntae hïs hairvest fiel.”
Nke Ahọpụtara Ugbu A:
Mattha 9: USNT
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