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Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

Jhone 5

A lameter hailt at tha Puil
1Eftèr a bït, Jesus gaed up tae Jerusalem fer a Faist-day o tha Jews. 2Noo, alangside tha Sheep Gate ïn Jerusalem thair's thïs puil that gets tha name o Bethzatha ïn tha Aramaic tung. An ït haes five ruifed-ïn waak-wyes wi apen pillars richt roon ït. 3Bïg nummers o disabelt fowk uist tae lie roon ït - tha blin, tha crippelt an tha paralysed, waitin on tha rummlin o tha wattèr. 4Fer an angel wud gae doon at a sartin time ïntae tha puil, fer tae rummle tha wattèr. Tha furst yin ïntae tha wattèr eftèr tha rummlin wus makkit weel o whutiver ailment he haed. 5Noo yin o thaim that wus lyin thonner haed bin ailin fer thurtie-echt year. 6Whan Jesus saa hïm an kent tha lang he wus seeck, he axt hïm, “Dae ye want tae be made weel?” 7“Sïr,” tha lameter answert, “A hae naebodie tae gie me a han ïntae tha wattèr whaniver ït's rummelt. Jist whan A'm makkin tae get ïn, some ither bodie aye gets doon afore me.” 8Then Jesus saed tae hïm. “Up ye get! Lïft yer mat up an waak.” 9Strecht aff tha man wus made weel. He lïftit hïs mat an waakt. Noo aa thïs happent on tha Sabbath day. 10An sae tha Jews saed tae tha man that wus makkit weel, “It's tha Sabbath day an tha Laa daesnae alloo ye tae cairrie a mat.” 11But he cum bak wi thïs: “Tha man that made me weel saed tae me, ‘Lïft yer mat up an waak.’ ” 12An the' axt hïm, “Wha's thïs that toul ye tae lïft ït up an waak?” 13Tha man that wus makkit weel haed nae notion ava o wha ït wus, fer Jesus haed jookt aff thonner ïntae tha thrang o fowk. 14A while eftèr, Jesus fun hïm at tha Hoose o God an saed til hïm, “Luk see, ye'r weel agane. Sae quït yer sïnnin or sumthin waur micht happen tae ye!” 15Tha man went awa an toul tha Jews that ït wus Jesus that made hïm weel.
Life throu tha Sinn
16Sae, on accoont o Jesus daein these thïngs on tha Sabbath day, tha Jews wur eftèr hïm, [an wur oot tae pit an enn tae hïm]. 17But Jesus saed tae thaim, “Ma Faither ïs aye warkin, richt up tae thïs verie day. An A'm warkin tae.” 18That's fer why tha Jews ettled aa tha mair tae kïll hïm, no jist fer brekkin tha Sabbath, but forbye he wus caain God hïs ain Faither, an pittin hissel on a level wi God. 19Then Jesus toul thaim, “A'm tellin ye tha truith, tha Sinn can dae naethin on hïs ain, but onlie whut he sees hïs Faither dae; fer whutiver tha Faither daes, tha Sinn daes tae. 20Fer tha Faither loves tha Sinn an shows hïm aa he daes. Ay, he'll show hïm even bïgger thïngs ner these, thïngs ower an abain aa ye cud tak ïn. 21Fer jist laik tha Faither rises tha deid an gies thaim life, sae tha Sinn gies life tae whaiver he plaises. 22An mair ner that, tha Faither daesnae judge oniebodie, but haes gien aa judgemen tae tha Sinn, 23That aa micht gie honour tae tha Sinn, jist as the' gie honour tae tha Faither. Hïm that daesnae honour tha Sinn, daesnae honour tha Faither that sent hïm. 24A'm tellin ye tha truith, whaiver hears ma wurd an believes hïm that sent me haes ayelastin life; he wull no be condemned; he haes flïttit frae deith tae life. 25Here's tha truith o ït: tha oor ïs cumin - ay, ït's cum noo! - whan tha deid wull hear tha voice o tha Sinn o God, an thaim that hears wull leeve. 26Fer jist laik tha Faither haes tha pooer o life ïn hissel, sae he haes gien tha Sinn tha pooer o life tae. 27An he haes gien hïm tha richt tae judge, becas he ïs tha Sinn o Man. 28Dïnnae be püt aboot bi thïs, fer tha oor ïs cumin whan aa thaim that's deid an buriet wull hear hïs voice 29an cum oot o thair graves - thaim that haes daen guid wull be ris tae life, an thaim that haes daen ïll wull be ris tae damnation. 30On ma ain A can dae naethin; A judge jist whut A hear, an ma judgin ïs richt, fer A'm no lukkin tae plaise masel, but tae plaise hïm that sent me.”
Testimonies anent Jesus
31“If A wutness aboot masel, ma testimonie daesnae stan up. 32But thair's anither yin that gies me a guid testimonie, an A ken that hïs testimonie aboot me stans up. 33Yis hae sent fowk tae Jhone, an he haes wutnesst tae tha truith aboot me. 34No that A need tae tak man's testimonie, but A mak mention o ït sae as ye micht be saved. 35Jhone wus a bricht, shinin lamp, an yis wur hairt gled tae leeve ïn tha licht o ït fer a wee while. 36But A hae testimonie that houls mair wecht ner Jhone's. Fer tha verie wark that tha Faither haes gien me tae feenish, that's whut A am aboot noo, an ït's wutness tae yin an aa that tha Faither haes sent me. 37An tha Faither that sent me haes testified aboot me hissel. Yis hae niver heerd hïs voice ner set yer een on hïm, 38Nether daes hïs wurd bide ïn ye, fer ye dïnnae lippen tha yin he sent. 39Yis ir aye lukkin at tha ïns an oots o tha Scrïptures, fer ye thïnk that's tha wye ye'll hae ayelastin life. But A'm tha yin tha Scrïptures ïs taakin aboot! 40An yit ye wull no cum tae me tae hae life. 41Tha praise o man mains naethin tae me. 42But A know richtlie whut yous ir laik. A ken that yis dïnnae hae tha love o God ïn yer hairts. 43A hae cum ïn ma Faither's name an ye wudnae pye onie heed tae me; but ïf anither bodie cums ïn hïs ain name, ye wud tak heed o hïm, sae ye wud. 44Yis ir content eneuch tae tak praise frae yin anither, yit yis mak nae effort tae get tha praise that cums frae tha yin an ainlie God? Sae nae wunnèr yis cannae believe me! 45But dïnnae be thïnkin A'm fer accusin ye afore tha Faither. It's Moses that'll accuse ye, tha verie yin yis ir pittin aa yer hope on! 46If ye haed hae believed Moses, ye wud hae believed me, fer ït's me he writ aboot. 47But seein as ye dïnnae believe whut he writ, ye ir no gaun tae believe whut A say, ir ye?”

Nke Ahọpụtara Ugbu A:

Jhone 5: USNT

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