Tiga Puluh Satu Kebenaran: Siapa Aku Dalam KristusSampel

Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ


SAVED To be delivered. God saved us by His grace through faith in Jesus. When a person places their faith in Jesus, the Bible says they are justified—they are declared righteous in God’s sight. READ: Ephesians 2:8-9 READ: Romans 3:9-28 No matter how hard, how dark, how difficult things may seem at times, we can always remind ourselves that we have been saved! Saved from sin and death and eternal torment. God did what we could and would not do. Thanks be to God! Now, even after we come to Christ, it can be tempting to rely on our works. What are some areas in your life that you tend to fall back into depending on your performance rather than the work of Jesus on your behalf? WRONG THINKING: God will accept me if I am good enough. RIGHT THINKING: There is nothing that I can do to earn my salvation. It is a gift of God’s grace granted simply through trusting Him.

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Thirty-One Truths: Who I Am in Christ

Suatu pandangan tentang bagaimana Efesus 1-2 menggambarkan identitas baru kita di dalam Kristus. Rencana dari Thistlebend Ministries ini akan membantu kita untuk lebih hidup sepenuhnya dengan identitas baru yang telah diberikan kepada kita di dalam Dia.


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