The Supernatural Miracles of Communion: The Anointing on Your Life!Sampel

The Supernatural Miracles of Communion: The Anointing on Your Life!


Day 5: Divine Provision and Abundance

Today, we explore the concept of divine provision and abundance through communion with Christ. Communion symbolizes our spiritual union with Christ and our access to God's abundant provision in every aspect of life.

In Philippians 4:19, Paul declares, "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Communion reminds us of God's promise to meet all our needs abundantly.

1 Samuel 10:4 says, "...and they will greet you and give you two loaves of bread, which you will accept from their hand." One translation says, "which you are to receive."

These Scriptures are examples of divine provision. The anointing of the body and blood of Jesus gives us divine provision. It gives us whatever we need. God is going to provide. They didn't pay for this bread. Somebody else gave it to them. Saul didn't pay for the bread. Samuel said, "And they will greet you and give you two loaves of bread, which you will accept from their hand." There's a blessing available to us through the body and blood of Jesus. One translation calls the blood of Jesus in First Corinthians 10:16 "the cup of blessing."

It's not because of anything I do. It's because the blessing is in the blood. One of the words for blessing in the Bible comes from an old English word rooted in Latin. It's the original word: "blod." That's incredible. God knew what He was doing when He called it the cup of blessing. We activate the blessing through the blood of Jesus.

Moreover, communion signifies our participation in the New Covenant established by Christ's sacrifice. In Luke 22:20, Jesus says, "This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood." Through communion, we enter into the richness of God's covenantal promises, including His provision, healing, and protection over our lives.

The story of Elijah and the widow in 1 Kings 17:8-16 illustrates God's miraculous provision in times of scarcity. Despite a severe famine, God supernaturally provided flour and oil for the widow and her son due to Elijah's presence and God's command. This narrative reminds us of God's ability to supply our needs abundantly, even in challenging circumstances.

Furthermore, Jesus fed a multitude with just a few loaves and fish, demonstrating God's miraculous provision in the physical realm (Matthew 14:13-21). This miraculous feeding highlights God's abundance and generosity, showing that nothing is impossible for Him. Communion symbolizes this divine abundance and invites us to trust God's provision for our daily needs.

In communion, we acknowledge God as our ultimate source of provision and abundance. Psalm 23:1 proclaims, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." As we partake of communion, we declare our dependence on God's provision and acknowledge His faithfulness to sustain us in every season of life.

Tomorrow, we will see how activating the anointing by taking communion gives us divine victory and authority.

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The Supernatural Miracles of Communion: The Anointing on Your Life!

Supernatural miracles are accessible to all through Christ. Isaiah 10:27 says the anointing removes burdens and destroys yokes. Communion activates the Holy Spirit's anointing, preparing us for God's purposes. Like Samuel anointed Saul and Jesus for ministry, the anointing equips us for God's calling, providing freedom, discernment, and empowerment. Complete this plan and learn to receive and increase this anointing in your life!
