True Prosperity vs. The Riches of This WorldSampel

True Prosperity vs. The Riches of This World


Moses Chose True Prosperity

Listen to our friend Banele tell how Moses left his worldly riches behind.

Moses chose to intervene on behalf of his fellow Hebrews. That choice put in motion a series of events that transformed his life from a prince of Egypt to a shepherd. Ultimately, Moses chose to leave a life of riches and power to obey what God called him to do (Exodus 2–20; Heb 11:24–25).

While Moses was a humble shepherd, Yahweh revealed himself to Moses and called him to a challenging future of obedience. In the years to come, Moses was often the object of ridicule and scorn by both the Egyptian pharaoh and the Israelite people. His palace was replaced with a tent in the desert. His chariot was replaced with sandals and a walking stick. And yet, through all of this, Moses experienced true prosperity—God’s presence, as a man talks to his friend (Ex 33:11). Moses led God’s people to true prosperity—the future God had promised, a land flowing with milk and honey. Moses demonstrated that his best life was a life of obedience and service rather than riches, pleasure, and power. Moses now enjoys his truly best life with God for eternity.

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If you’d like to read more of Moses’s story of leaving his riches and power behind, take a look at Exodus 1:8–22; 2–4; Acts 7:17–42a and Hebrews 11:23–28.

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