30 Days Defeating the Arch-Enemy of Our Finances (Mammon)Sampel

30 Days Defeating the Arch-Enemy of Our Finances (Mammon)



Our financial future is influenced by how our parents handled money. That set of values is so important that much of it tends to repeat itself in our own lives, whether good or bad. If parents always handled money irresponsibly, that will be passed down to the next generations. If a couple is greedy and bound by money, it influences the family’s story. How to handle the values passed on to us is a very complex issue, for they are values embedded within us.

So how do you get off autopilot? First of all, pray! The psalmist prayed, "See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:24). Ask the Holy Spirit to show you, if you haven't already, if you have any ungodly views of money. Ask for input and wisdom in this area from mature believers, people you trust. After all, we don’t grow much without input and feedback.

However, when we use money under the influence of Heaven, we experience a lasting and profound transformation. Ask yourself, "How do I see my relationship with money?" Create strategies to change, if applicable, because there are no changes without firmly deciding to change. The fact that you searched for this devotional shows that you are already changing. Congratulations! Decide to rewrite your story. Don't let victimhood or passivity be part of your story. Even if you have negative feelings or deep scars regarding money, don't give up! If you look, you can always find someone who has victory in this area.

Remember, even though Mammon may have destroyed your financial life, Jesus can rebuild it. Now that your eyes are being opened, stay planted in what God is showing you and move on to enter a time of financial harvest. It's time to balance your finances. It's time to find the path of abundance. Abundance is Heaven's norm for all the Father's beloved children. That includes you!

Remember: Our parents’ view of money affects the way we view money. We have to be aware of that and respond accordingly using the Word of God.

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30 Days Defeating the Arch-Enemy of Our Finances (Mammon)

In 30 days, you'll find out who Mammon is, how he affects people's financial lives, and how you can defeat him. This is a Plan for those who wish to definitively defeat Mammon and not allow him to prevent them from living by Heaven's standards. At the end of it, you'll be able to choose a new path until you enjoy a healthy financial life to its fullness.
