


Blinded by the Sight

Saul and Barnabus travel to the island of Cyprus on a trip to preach the gospel. While there, they run into a sorcerer who has gained influence and hates Christians. Saul (Paul) doesn’t take too kindly to the sorcerer’s schemes. As the scope of God's plan is revealed, so is the scope of its opposition. The early Christians aren't just fighting against hostile leaders, but against a spiritual enemy, a very old opponent of God.

Read: Acts 12:24-13:12 (NLT)

Explore the Theme: Sergius Paulus’ interest in God but is stopped by the interference of a sorcerer. In no uncertain terms, Paul sees right through this enemy and boldly calls him out. Because Paul fights with the enemy directly, Sergius Paulus is able to see God’s power rather than just hearing about it. Reread the passage, imagining that you are in the place of the man Paul is encouraging. How might his ideas of God have changed from the beginning of the story to the end?

Ask God: When was the last time you tried to do something for God but it felt like you just kept experiencing opposition and trouble? Ask God to give you spiritual vision: eyes that are able to see the powers that are at war behind the scenes (Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against a real enemy).

Sometimes, when that enemy seems most present, it is because God is preparing to work most powerfully. How might this story of opposition and ultimately, belief, encourage you the next time you come across someone or something combative while you try to minister?

Ask God to equip you with his spirit to boldly and directly identify the enemy’s work, call it out, and defeat it. Humbly ask God to help you differentiate the devil’s lies from God’s truth so that you can speak this truth loudly and clearly and defeat the lies of the devil--and be a part of his powerful kingdom work.

Live it Out: The next time you encounter an obstacle while trying to serve God, stop, pause and pray. Ask God if perhaps this is a moment of spiritual warfare. Invite a friend who you trust to pray with you and implore God to give you wisdom to separate the truth from lies, to courageously denounce those lies and to move forward in serving him powerfully. Then, watch for God to move and praise him for it!

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(Part two of a four part journey through the Books of Acts.) Even in (and especially in?) hard times, God is present and is working to build His Church. We can find encouragement in this. When circumstances force us to pivot, we don’t have to lose heart - God is with us.
