5 Prayers for Financial IncreaseSampel

5 Prayers for Financial Increase


Prayer 1: Seeking God's Kingdom First

In the Kingdom, God is not our vending machine. He DOES give us exceedingly great and precious promises, but they are conditional. And the condition for receiving His promises is that we make Him our LORD: the Boss and Master of our life.

Making Jesus our “Lord” means that we give Him first place. We seek Him first. And when we seek Him first, His hands are open and we can have everything we need and want. That's what His Book, the Bible,—which is His message or “Word” to us—says.

But if we will not seek Him first—if we just seek His stuff, or what He can give us—then we have created an idol for ourselves. We're actually seeking money (or stuff, et cetera), and not seeking God.

And Father God is too good to teach us to sin. He won't reward our sin.

If He affirmed our idolatry when we just seek stuff and not Him, then He would be training us that idolatry is the way to go. But, it's not. We are not to have any gods before Him.

That's why He makes His promises conditional: seek Him, and then we have access to everything He has and everything He can do. But He ALWAYS must come first. Jesus Himself said so in Matthew 6:33 when He spoke these words:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

So pray this today if you desire financial increase:

"Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness. I give you first place in my life, above and before everything and everyone else.

Lord, please dethrone any idols that are in my heart or in my behavior. And as I seek You first, please add all the things I need and want to me. Thank You, Father, for I know You will. In Jesus' name, amen."

Firman Tuhan, Alkitab

Hari 2

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