Come, Lord Jesus, ComeSampel

Come, Lord Jesus, Come


I Am Going Away and Coming Back

READ: John 14:15–31

SOAP: John 14:27–28

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; I do not give it to you as the world does. Do not let your hearts be distressed or lacking in courage. You heard me say to you, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am.”

Into the Text

Jesus’ peace is ours for the taking. He did not leave us to worry or fret over the decline we see happening in the world. That is not a burden we are meant to carry. Instead, Jesus has given us peace to carry us through our hard days and sleepless nights. Having Jesus’ peace does not mean we will not walk through hard times. It means we will not walk through them alone.

We can experience peace when it feels like our world is spiraling out of control because true peace is only found in Jesus, not in this world. The only long-term thing this world has to offer us is heartache and worry. Because we have peace that surpasses all understanding, we can confidently look forward to the days ahead, knowing Jesus is already there. We do not need to fear our present or future because we know Jesus is always with us.

Knowing we can find peace in our lives despite our circumstances, we can choose today to have courage. Now is the time to embrace Jesus’ peace. Now is the time to exhibit courage, even when we feel afraid. It’s okay to feel scared even as you choose to be brave. Why do you think God told Joshua to be strong and brave right before he conquered the promised land (Joshua 1:1-18)? He, too, had to muster up courage as he headed into a new land. But Joshua didn’t let his fear stop him. He went anyway knowing that God was with him. Jesus is with you too, and because of Him, you can experience true peace no matter what is going on in your life.


Dear Lord, thank You for the peace You have so generously given me. Please help me embrace Your peace and put it into action in my life. Help me be courageous in the tasks You have given me as I look forward to Your return. Until that day, "Come, Lord Jesus, come." Amen.

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Come, Lord Jesus, Come

In this study, we will see that throughout the New Testament Jesus and others often talked about His return. The purpose of this study is to offer encouragement as the hour draws near, helping us to live aware but not in fear. As we watch and wait for Christ’s return, may He find us working and witnessing.
