Tantangan 49 MingguSampel

Every seventh day is a great opportunity to reflect on what you’re learning and to share it with others. Today’s passage is a highlight from what you already read this week. Think back over the week’s readings. Did you see connections between the various passages?
Talk to God:
• Praise Him for who He is and what He’s like.
• Confess any sin.
• Thank Him for complete forgiveness through Jesus, for other blessings in your life, for answers to prayer, and for what He has done for you.
• Share your worries with Him, and ask Him for what you and others need.
• Ask Him for guidance, and place your trust in Him.
Share with someone a verse or thought that impacted you from the past six days of reading.
Talk to God:
• Praise Him for who He is and what He’s like.
• Confess any sin.
• Thank Him for complete forgiveness through Jesus, for other blessings in your life, for answers to prayer, and for what He has done for you.
• Share your worries with Him, and ask Him for what you and others need.
• Ask Him for guidance, and place your trust in Him.
Share with someone a verse or thought that impacted you from the past six days of reading.
Firman Tuhan, Alkitab
Tentang Rencana ini

Siap untuk membawa hubungan Anda dengan Tuhan ke level berikutnya? Gunakan Tantangan 49 Minggu! Rencana Alkitab ini menjelajahi seluruh Alkitab dengan pembacaan Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru setiap hari. Anda akan mengikuti Perjanjian Baru secara kronologis yang disertai dengan pasal-pasal yang relevan dari Perjanjian Lama untuk menunjukkan Alkitab sebagai satu cerita yang menunjuk kepada Yesus. Setiap hari ketujuh ada jeda untuk merenungkan dan membagikan apa yang sudah Anda pelajari.
Kami ingin berterima kasih kepada Life.Church yang menyediakan Rencana Bacaan ini. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi: www.life.church