Renungan untuk Pra Paskah dari Alkitab: MosaikSampel

Devotions for Lent from Holy Bible: Mosaic


Like many Catholic children, I gave up sweets for the forty-plus days of Lent. I remember creeping downstairs on Easter morning, hoping to be greeted by a marvelous, solid-chocolate Palmer's bunny. After surviving the torturous season of sacrifice, I could barely wait to nibble the cottontail's long, delicious ears. 

I would sometimes be disappointed to find a hollow chocolate cross in my basket in place of the preferred bunny. Propped in green plastic grass and surrounded by pastel jelly beans stood a milk chocolate version of my Savior's object of torture. In place of Christ's broken body, the cross bore a pink and yellow flower made of sugar. I couldn't eat it. It felt blasphemous to do so. While it was almost impossible to endure the long, sweet-less days of Lent, the triviality of my "sacrifice" always shocked me when I was confronted by that chocolate cross on Easter morning. Even a child wrestles with the reality of Christ's ultimate sacrifice. 

The annual season of Lent is puzzling to many. Denying ourselves our favorite treats or habits - even for a short time - seems unnecessarily archaic in our I-want-it-now culture. 

But we often get in the way of our own best intentions. When fasting from food or technology (or whatever else captures our hearts and threatens to take the place that only God can fill) we might be tempted to feel a sense of pride or arrogance about our sacrifice. The very thing we relinquish sometimes clamors inside us as a "need" to be met. Instead of focusing on Jesus Christ, our attention can dangerously be drawn to the very thing we've voluntarily surrendered. 

Even so, the practice of Lent can be a valuable discipline. It's difficult to comprehend what our continual sense of entitlement does to our bodies and souls. Our culture worships at the feet of pleasure, deeply bowing to all its delicious offerings. As we "shovel it in," we can become desensitized to our needs - the real hungers - in our lives. Observing Lent can help us wrestle with the reasons behind our perpetual consumption. When we decide to relinquish that thing that fails to truly satisfy, we come face-to-face with some tough questions. Can we believe Jesus when he says, "People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God"? 

Firman Tuhan, Alkitab

Hari 7Hari 9

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Devotions for Lent from Holy Bible: Mosaic

Renungan Pra Paskah selama 46 hari ini, diadaptasi dari Alkitab: Mosaik, berisikan kumpulan kutipan ayat, bacaan, dan Injil untuk membantu Anda memfokuskan pikiran Anda kepada Kristus. Entah apakah Anda tidak yakin tentang apakah Pra Paskah itu atau Anda sudah pernah menjalankan Pra Paskah dan tahun gereja sepanjang hidup Anda, Anda akan menyukai bacaan Injil dan pemahaman renungan dari orang-orang Kristen di seluruh dunia dan sepanjang sejarah. Bergabunglah bersama kami dan gereja di seluruh dunia untuk fokus kepada Yesus dalam beberapa minggu menuju Paskah.


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