Renungan untuk Pra Paskah dari Alkitab: MosaikSampel

Devotions for Lent from Holy Bible: Mosaic


Saturday (Steve Thomason) 

Jesus was supposed to be the Messiah. He was supposed to lead them to victory over their oppressors. He was supposed to establish Israel as a strong nation once again and allow them to bask in the joy of sweet justice. Pain, grief, and sorrow were not part of the package. 

It seemed as if all hope was gone. We feel this way because we forget an important truth. The way of Jesus is a way of pain, grief, and sorrow. Jesus suffered much in his life - even before his arrest and execution. As a child he knew what it meant to be hidden in Egypt in fear for his life. He knew the loss of his stepfather, Joseph. He wept over the death of his friend, Lazarus. He grieved over the blindness of the citizens of Israel. He agonized to the point of blood in the garden of Gethsemane. He screamed out in the words of his ancestor, David, as he hung on the cross, "My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?" 

But Jesus told us it would be this way. In John's account of Jesus' final teaching Jesus said that God would prune the branches that clung to the Vine (John 15:1-17). Pruning hurts. To have large parts of your life severed from you is not a pleasant experience. There is no joy in the sensation of shears cutting into your flesh. Yet, as the Great Gardener knows, without pruning there is no life. 

That is the way of Jesus - the way of God's love and grace. God purifies us with pain. The disciples learned this and went on to write to the churches about it. James said to consider it pure joy when we suffer various trials, because in the end it makes us complete and strong. Peter told us that suffering refines our hearts like fire refines gold. Then Paul, as he described the painful process of working through persecution and breaking down the walls of prejudice, reached the climax of the whole process with one word - hope. 

Hari 43Hari 45

Tentang Rencana ini

Devotions for Lent from Holy Bible: Mosaic

Renungan Pra Paskah selama 46 hari ini, diadaptasi dari Alkitab: Mosaik, berisikan kumpulan kutipan ayat, bacaan, dan Injil untuk membantu Anda memfokuskan pikiran Anda kepada Kristus. Entah apakah Anda tidak yakin tentang apakah Pra Paskah itu atau Anda sudah pernah menjalankan Pra Paskah dan tahun gereja sepanjang hidup Anda, Anda akan menyukai bacaan Injil dan pemahaman renungan dari orang-orang Kristen di seluruh dunia dan sepanjang sejarah. Bergabunglah bersama kami dan gereja di seluruh dunia untuk fokus kepada Yesus dalam beberapa minggu menuju Paskah.


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