John 19
chapter nineteen
1then did Pilate take Yehoshua and him permitted to be flogged. 2and the soldiers did braid a crown of thorns, and it put up on his head, and did him clothed a purple robe. 3and did come to him and said: peace you (SG), king of the Jews! and did him give slap. 4and Pilate is again go out outside and has to them said: look, I lead him out to you (PL), so that you (PL) shall know, that I find not any at all fault in him. 5and Yehoshua did come out outside, carrying the thorns crown and the purple robe. and he (Pilate) says to them: behold, the man! 6when the chief kohenim and their servants did him see, did they a shout do, so to say: hanged up on the tree him! hanged up on the tree him! (Samuel 2 18, 9-14) says Pilate to them: take you (PL) and to hang up on the tree him, because I find not in him any fault. 7did the Judaeans him answer: we have a law, and according to the law is he deserving death, because he did himself make for Hashem's Son. 8and when Pilate did hear this a very word, did he himself further fear; 9and did again go inside into the Praetorium and did say to Yehoshua: from where you are? Yehoshua however has him not given any answer. 10Pilate says therefore to him: to me speak not? you know then not, that I have power you to release, and have power you to hanged up on the tree? 11did Yehoshua answer: you (SG) would not have had any power against me, if it had you (SG) not given been from above; therefore has a greater sin the one, who had me turned over to you (SG). 12from then on did Pilate seek him to release; the Judaeans however did shout, so to say: if you (SG) release the this, you are not the Caesar's friend; (because) every one, who makes himself for a king, rebels against Caesar. 13when then Pilate did hear the these words, did he lead out Yehoshua, and himself sat down on the tribunal seat, on the place, which is called Litostrotos (the Pavement), and in language holy Gabbatha (Pavement). 14and it was Erev Pesach, around the sixth hour (noon). and he did say to the Judaeans: look, your king! 15and they did a shout do: away, away! hang up on the tree him! says Pilate to them: the king of yours shall I hanged up on the tree him? did the chief kohenim answer: we have not any king except the Caesar! 16did he then him handed over to them, that he shall hanged up on a tree to be.
they did therefore take Yehoshua; 17and carrying himself his tree, is he go out to a place, which called the place of a skull, in language holy calls it Golgotha; 18where they did him hanged up on the tree, and with him others two, on both sides, and Yehoshua in the midst. 19and Pilate did also write a inscription and it put up on the tree. and it was written: Yehoshua of Natseret king of the Jews. 20and a many of the Jews did read the this inscription, because this place, where Yehoshua is hung up on the tree become, was near to the city; and it was written in language holy (Hebrew), Latin and Greek. 21and the chief kohenim of the Judaeans did say to Pilate: write not: the king of the Jews; but that he did say: I am the king of the Jews. 22did Pilate answer: what I have written, have I written!
23and the soldiers, when they did hang on the tree Yehoshua, did take his clothing, and made four shares, for every soldier a share, and also the tunic (over garment). and the tunic (over garment) is not was sewn, but wholly woven from top (till bottom). 24they did therefore say one to the other: let us it not tear apart, but cast lots about this, whose it shall be; so that the verse shall fulfilled to be:
they did divide my clothing among themselves,
and on my garment did they cast lots.
(Psalms 22, 19)
and the these things did the soldiers do. 25and at the tree of Yehoshua did stand his mother and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas (Luke 24, 18), and Mary of Magdala. 26and when Yehoshua did see his mother and the disciple, which he has love had, standing nearby, says he to the mother: woman, look, your son! 27then says he to the disciple: look, your mother! and of that hour did that disciple her take to himself.
28after that, just as Yehoshua had known, that all has self already completed, so that the verse shall fulfilled become, says he: I am thirsty! 29there is standing a dish full with vinegar. and they did put it on upon an hyssop stalk a sponge filled with vinegar and him passed to the mouth. 30and when Yehoshua did take the vinegar, did he say: it is finished, and did bow the head and gave up the soul.
31and because it was Erev Sabbath, so that the bodies shall not remain during Sabbath on the tree—because that Sabbath was Sabbath HaGadol—did the Judaeans ask Pilate, that should break the bones of the bodies, and them take down. 32did come the soldiers and did the first one break the bones and the other (one), who is hung up having become with him on the tree. 33coming however to Yehoshua, as they did see, that he is already died, did they him not broke the bones. 34but one of the soldiers did him pierce the side with a spear; and immediately did come out blood and water. 35and the one, who did it see, did witness said, and his witness say is true; and he knows, that he says the truth, so that also you (PL) shall believe. 36because this is happened, so that the verse shall fulfilled to be:
no bone shall you (PL) him not break.
(Exodus 12, 46)
37and again an other verse says:
they will look on him,
whom they have pierced.
(Zecharyah 12, 10)
38and after that has Joseph HaRamati, who was a hidden disciple of Yehoshua, out of fear before the Judaeans, asked Pilate, that he shall permitted take away Yeshua's body; and Pilate did it permit. he did therefore come and did taken away his body. 39and Nakdimon did also come, (the one, who is the first time come to Yehoshua by night) bringing to carry a mixture ointment of myrrh and aloe, about hundred pound. 40and they did take Yeshua's body and him wrapped in burial shrouds with the spices according to the custom with Jews burial to be. 41and on that place, where he is hung up on the tree become, was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which it is never no one not buried. 42and there—on account of the Erev Sabbath among Jews, because the tomb was near—did they place Yehoshua.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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