John 16
chapter sixteen
1this have I to you (PL) spoken, so that you (PL) shall not stumble (tempted) to be. 2they will you (PL) put in cheirem (ban) into; yes, it comes on an hour, that every one, who will you (PL) kill, will think, he serves Hashem with that. 3and this will they do, because they did not know the Father, and not me. 4and this have I spoken to you (PL), so that when the hour will come, shall you (PL) yourselves remind therein, that I have it you (PL) said. in the beginning however have I this (to) you (PL) not said, because I was with you (PL). 5and now go I to him, who has me sent; and any one of you (PL) ask me not: where are you going? 6but because I have this spoken to you (PL), did sorrow fill your heart. 7I tell you (PL) however the truth: it is good for you (PL), that I go away; because if I shall not going away, will the advocate never way not come to you (PL); and if I go yes, will I him send to you (PL). 8and when he will come, will he convince the world about sin and about righteousness and about judgment: 9about sin, because they did not believe in me; 10and about righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you (PL) will me more not see; 11and about judgment, because the prince of the this one world is judged become. 12yet a many have I you (PL) to say, but you (PL) can it now not bear. 13yet when he will come, the Spirit of truth, will he you (PL) lead in the whole truth into; because he will not speak of self alone, but everything, which he hears, will he speak; and he will you (PL) proclaim that, which must first come. 14he will me glorify, because he will receive from that, which is mine and will it you (PL) explain. 15all, that the Father has, is mine; therefore did I say, that He takes of that, which is mine, and will it you (PL) proclaim. 16yet a little while, and you (PL) see me more not; and again a little while, and you (PL) will me yes see. 17some of his disciples have therefore said one to the other: what is the these, what he tells us: a little while, and you (PL) see me not; and again a little while, and you (PL) will me yes see? and: because I go to the Father? 18therefore have they said: what is the these, which he says: a little while? we understand not, what he speaks. 19Yehoshua has noticed, that they want him ask, and he did to them say: you (PL) ask self after, one of other, about the this thing, which I have said: a little while, and you (PL) see me not, and again a little while, and you (PL) will me see? 20in truth, in truth tell I you (PL): you (PL) will weep and lament, however the world will self rejoice; you (PL) will be grieved, but your sorrow will become a celebration. 21a woman, when she go to child, is grieved, because her hour is come; when however she has delivered this child, remembers she more not the anguish, on account of the joy, that a person is born become in the world into. 22so have you (PL) also now grief; I will you (PL) however again see, and your heart will self rejoice, and the joy your (PL) will anyone not take away from you (PL). 23and in that day will you (PL) me nothing more ask. in truth, in truth tell I you (PL): what you (PL) will but ask the Father will he to you give in my name. 24until now have you (PL) nothing asked in my name; ask, and you (PL) will received, so that your joy shall become full.
25the these things have I spoken to you (PL) in parables; there comes on a hour, when I will more not speak to you (PL) in parables, but (to) you (PL) proclaim openly about the Father. 26in that day will you (PL) ask in my name; and I tell you (PL) not, that I will ask the Father for your sake; 27because the Father Himself has you (PL) loved, because you (PL) have me loved, and believe, that I am come forth from Hashem. 28I am come out from the Father, and am come in the world into; again depart I the world, and go to the Father. 29says his disciples: look, now speak you (SG) openly, and say not any parable. 30now know we, that you (SG) know all, and need not, that anyone shall you question; through this believe we, that you (SG) did come forth from Hashem. 31did Yehoshua them answer: now believe you (PL)? 32look, there comes a hour, and is already came, that you (PL) shall scattered to be, every one to the his, and me will you (PL) abandon one alone; and I am (yet) not one alone, because the Father is with me. 33this have I spoken to you (PL), so that in me shall you (PL) have peace. in the world have you (PL) troubles; but be comforted; I have overcome did the world.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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