John 14
chapter fourteen
1shall your heart self (be) not troubled; you (PL) believe in Hashem, believe also in me. 2in my Father's house is here a many dwellings; would it not so be, would I it you (PL) have told; because I go (to) prepare an place for you (PL). 3and when I go and prepare for an place for you (PL), will I again come, and you (PL) take to me, so that where I am, shall you (PL) also be. 4and where I go, know you (PL), and you (PL) know the way. 5says Toma to him: L-rd, we know not where you (SG) go; and how can we know the way? 6says to him Yehoshua: I am the way (Hashem) and the truth and the life; anyone comes not to the Father, except through me. 7if you (PL) would me have known, would you (PL) also have known my Father; and from now on know you (PL) Him and have Him seen. 8says Philip to him: L-rd, show us the Father, and it will be enough for us. 9says Yehoshua to him: such long time am I now with you (PL), and you (SG) know me not, Philip? who it has me seen, that (one) did see the Father; and how you say: show us the Father? 10(question) do you believe then not, that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? the words that I speak to you (PL), speak I not from me myself; but the Father, who dwells in me, does His works. 11believe me, that I am in the Father and the Father in me; and if not, believe on account of the works themselves. 12in truth, in truth tell I you (PL): the one, who believes in me, the works that I do, will he also do; and greater than the these will he do, because I go to the Father. 13and what you (PL) will only ask in my name, will I the these do, so that the Father shall glorified become in the Son. 14if you (PL) will me something ask in my name, will I it do. 15if you (PL) have (for) me love, shall you (PL) keep my commandments! 16and I will ask the Father, and he will you (PL) give an other advocate, so that he shall be with you (PL) on eternity; 17the Spirit of truth, whom the world can him not receive, because it sees him not and knows him not; you (PL) know him indeed, because he remains with you (PL) and will be in you (PL). 18I will you (PL) not abandon like orphans; I will come to you (PL). 19yet a little while and the world sees me more not, you (PL) however see me; because I live, will you (PL) live also. 20in that day will you (PL) know, that I am in my Father, and you (PL) are in me, and I am in you (PL). 21who the one has my commandments and keeps them, that (one) is it, who does me love; and that (one), who has me love, will be beloved by my Father, and I will him love have, and will myself reveal to him. 22says to him Yehudah, not the man from Kriot: L-rd, what has happened, that you (SG) you will Yourself reveal to us and not to the world? 23did Yehoshua answer and said to him: if anyone does me love, will he keep my word; and my Father will him love have; and we will come to him and make a dwelling (for us) with him. 24who it does me not love, that (one) keeps not my words; and the word, which you (PL) hear, is not mine, rather from the Father, who has me sent.
25this have I to you (PL) spoken, being with you (PL). 26the Advocate however, the Spirit the Holy, whom the Father will send in my name, he will you (PL) all teach, and you (PL) remind about all, which I have you (PL) told. 27peace leave I over with you (PL); my peace give I you (PL); not the way the world gives, give I you (PL). shall self your heart not troubled, and let it not become despondent. 28you (PL) have heard, that I have you (PL) said; I go away, and come (again) to you (PL). if you (PL) would me love had, would you (PL) self rejoiced, that I go to the Father, because the Father is greater than I. 29and now have I it (to) you (PL) told, before it occurs, so that you (PL) shall believe, when it will to happen. 30I will more not speak any many with you (PL); because the prince of the world comes; and in me has he nothing; 31but so that the world shall know, that I have love the Father, and as the Father has me commanded, so do I. stand up; let us go away from here.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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