Luk 20

Keli Tisaseko alookale, tekoko hale onokoko, helo le
(Matiu 21.23-27, Mak 11.27-33)
1Fako somo Tisase, tébele imo feoko, liouko tc weouko tele. Lakene elelele le úko baeko tewo, ki yeelc weliweli, Mosese nenele ifei leko weoulc liou, Tiuta lioule weliweli fei, to liou helo le leleleko, towono boleko tc kalele. 2"O neleko leletio somo fa. To hale neleko keli alookale? Neno kamo keli yale, to hale tc eekae e emi?"
3Kalo, wesiowe tc koule. "Wó wesiowe yo noboko leletiainokomo. Nobo yowo le hábealo. 4Wimo hliko leilc lia, Tiono. Helo hekeke hcbo mena héle? Beibei sao mena o, ya mena héle?"
5Leletiawo, teli haneno le tc ú kukukalele. "Nobo teko koeomo 'To hekeke beibei sao mena héle.' Teko koeomoto, noboko teko kaikekeme. 'To hekeke Koto moso mena héleto, helo leko mokeyu molalekakeyo metako onunu?' Teko kolame! 6Wó le fei, nobo teko hcbc koeomono 'Ya mena liou moso mena héle.' Tekoko le hcbc koeomono. Li lisobo ae tieli teko molaleko ebe 'Tionoto, Koto helo le ko fuanelc lia somo.' To leko hekekemo teko molaleko ebe tekota nobo teko koeomoto, leleleko, bo eleko noboko tobekilo otokae iyosokafulabe!" 7Le teli haneno helo wábuno ú kukukaleko tc kalele. "Tiono helo hekeke hcbo mena héle fao? O fa seli."
8Kalo, wesiowe Tisase tc koule. "Yo fato, noboko hcbc ko fuaneinono, yoko alookale lia helo hĂ­ko."
Liou biowale waine kaneno heko telele, helo ifeli le
(Matiu 21.33-46, Mak 12.1-12)
9Tisase ilikolc liouko ele ifeli le tc tiosiko koule. "Lio lokono somo, waine weno bu kaneno lelile. Lelioko, liou feile kamo baele, tobeki hale olokoko. Helo kamo baeoko, telito, welinamo feoko, temo tc fe tele, beibei. 10Temo fe tewo, waine weno bu si sikolelele fako tc bole. Bowo, helo mome hale elc lia somoko tc ko weale. 'Sei, no feniko, yowo kaneno heko telc liou moso fe. Feniko, yowo háéyó, yo lowane ki neelo tc li bo abo.' Kawo tc fele. Fe koulelc, lelekeyo. Toko naneleko tc otolele. Oto oto wealo, konabeo tc eikoko kliko wealele, helo nawe moso.
11"WĂł, himoko lia, kaneno haulia tc ko weale. Ko weawo, tc fele. Fewo, tc oto oto otoleko, biowalemo eleko, eiyo ae neelo, konabeo tebi tc eiko kliko wealele, helo nawe moso.
12"WĂł, hlueko liako tc ko weale. Ko weawo fewo tc otolele. Oto oto teiyalele. Mei komo kaneno fifimo eikafe bofulo tc eiko fele, helo nawe moso.
13"Mei fa eiko bowo, kaneno haulia tei tuoko tc kale. 'Woso, halekoko? Yoweito lokono muku siofu telc lokono toko tc ko weaikomo. Toko halekamo hcbc seeabeno fao? Helo le bc leleabekebe.' 14Teko koeoko ko weawo tc fele. Kaneno heko telc liou eikafe naneleko, teli haneno le tc Ăş kukukalele. 'Kaneno hauliale lokono bome tane! Helo aeyo onuaikekemeto, to lokono helo memeta helele emiele bc likekeme. Sei, nobo toko iyosokafusoko, helo aeyo moso mena helele nobeli lisokokoko!' 15Kalo, to lia bowo, kaneno fifimo eikafe bofuleko tc iyosokafulele.
"Wó tane, nobo halekoko molalekamu? Helo lokonoko iyosokafu eabeto, wesiowe kaneno haulia halekoko méíyáikemeko? 16Nobo weneno, kaneno haulia bc eiko boneko, waine kaneno heko telc liouko iyosokafu eneko, to kaneno liou feile kamo tc baeikekeme, heko tolokoko."
To liou helo le leleleko tc kalele "Tekoko lowane uwofulame!"
17Kalo, Tisase toko lalouoko tc koule. "Nobo le mokeyukokoto, Kotole le fei halekoko tibuno nenelele, tobeki somo helo ifeli le toko? Teko nenelele.#20.17 Sng 118.22 'I tobekilo ekaelc liou tobeki somo tc hélele. Héleko tc kalele. "Ele tobeki biowale!" Kaleko tc bofuyalele. Teko bofuyalelelc, Welifle Weno Koto helo halelo, to tobeki lomo i hekekeyolelele tobeki imasiou imasiou you tc uwofu teme.' Teko nenelele. 18Keli lia ele tobeki helo weno fe wleikemeto, to liale hale emiele bc kebiko tutukaikekeme. Wó fei, to tobeki kelio nanino bo wleikemeto, iyo hakeo eneko momasokaikekeme." Tisase ifeli le teko koule.
19Tisase teko kawo, Mosese nenele ifei leko weoulc liou, Kotoko ki yeelc liou weliweli to leko leleleko, "To keliko kakeyo, to oko kame! Olc hí fitio kwitiko eme, ele ifeli lelo!" Teko kaleko, tebi akomo tekokotano ákeeabikoko elelelc. Sosowokeyo. "Li lisobo ae tieli, oko bo elabe!" kaleko tc kalokalele.
Takisi tobeki bcbae oloko fao, Lomo kabcmaneko, helo le
(Matiu 22.15-22, Mak 12.13-17)
20Tekoko liou Tisaseko halio bo ae fa, tekota memeta helele Tisase ekaeleto, toko tc naneko leleko telele. Wó feito, liou fei, fae nanelc liouko alookaelele. Alookae kou wlaelele, Tisase moso towono fe tolokoko. Fae nanelc liou, "O ókasosowo liou" koflileko, Tisase le ú eleno fe héwlio eleko, tc naneko lelekaeko telele. "Kabcmane lakene fakeya le kaikeme fao? To teko kaikemeto, nobo to liako hekaeko te eme welifle, kabcmane helo kamo yolele, kotimiyanokoko." 21Wó fei, toko kofli elele le leletio nanelele. "Weoulc lia, o weneno. No le ú bae ú bae e emito, le you komo ú bae e emi. Neno leto, liouko weweou e emito, yeketafi you komo. Biowale fakeya. Liou feiko, le fei weou, fei liouko le fei weou, teko ekeyo. Sosowono le komo, Kotole mono liou emieleko le youlo weweou e emi. 22Hábomo teko ú emi tekota, oko hábomo weou. O takisi tobeki Lomo welifle imasiou Sisako sosowo neeabiko o? O, nobo teko hcbc neeomono, nobo Tiuta lioule ifei leko iyokléáfulaikoko?"
23Toko kofli naneabikoko elelelc, Tisase weneno fa. Tc kale. 24"Sei, siliba tobeki somo hé bo abolo." Hé bo neelo tc kale. "To siliba tobekino, kelio hanono fa teme, kelio hí teme?" Kawo tc kalele. "Sisale hí fa." 25"Sei, meta helele Sisale, to Sisako hé fe neelo. Wó, meta helele Kotole, to Kotoko neelo."
26Kouwo, mono nabeo, ka leleolelele leto. Tisaseko li lisobo emiele helo mene tino kofli e naneabikoko elelelc. Koto helo le, wé kabcmane helo ifei le fato, iyokléáfukeyo. Helo hábeolelele le leleleko, muku tenifukowáleko, ese lobetiwáleko mome tc héwlialele.
Satiusi liou Tisaseko leletialele, limaelc liou eikoko selikolelele, helo le
(Matiu 22.23-33, Mak 12.18-27)
27Tiuta lioule beteko fei, Satiusi liou Tisase moso tc bolele. To liou helo muku tekoko, limae liou eikoko hcbc selikeabeno. 28Tisase moso boleko tc kalele. "Weoulc lia, o leletio somo fa. Belimo Mosese nobo ifei le nenele, lio lokono elo nefeleleleko.#20.28 Lo 25.5 Lio lokono elo nefeikeme. Wó hlio likakeyono tc onuaikekeme. Souwo elo nomo teikeme, helo tekei toko nefelele. Nefe teteko, hlio tc likolele. Hlio likoleleto, helo abole híno kolele 'To helo lokoko.' Tekeile híno kolelekeyo. Belimo Mosese nobo ifei le teko nenele, elo nefeleleleko. 29Wó tane, lio lokono somo memelao lokoko 7-bela likale. Kimo imao elo tc nefele. Elo nefeoko, hlio likakeyono tc onuale. 30Wó yomao souwo tc nefele. Nefeoko, mome tc onuale. Hlio likakeyo. 31Wó emo. Nefeoko to fa mome tc onuale, hlio likakeyo. Neke, owli, lioba, limale, emiele tebi tekomo komo teko nefe eleko, hlio fa likakeyo tc limaelele. 32Wó tane kimo to elo fato tc onuale. 33Olc leletio, to tekoko. Kimo, limae liou eikoko selikeabe fakono, to elo somo, keli héikemeko? To elo somo 7-bela liou beli nefelele tekota eikoko selikolelele fakono to elo keli fafuo teabeko?"
34Leletialo, Tisase tc kale. "To mokeyu, meloule liou elele yano tebeto, lisobo baebeko nenefe e ebe. 35Teko e ebelc, kimo to liou, beibei saomo felelele wanowoko wiowákeyo, to liou eikoko selikeabeto, elo nefelelele fakeya, elo liako neelele fakeya. 36To tekoko. To eikoko tio selikolc liouto, Koto tei tu lokoko teleko, ésolo liou lowane tc teabekebe. Teko teabekebe tekota eikoko hcbc limaeabeno. Ei, limaelelele fakeya teleko, lisobo kokalilelele fakeya tc teabekebe. 37Wó fei, Mosese nenele le fato noboko weoume, limae liou eikoko selikolele le, to mokeyu le. To le neneleto, mali bali ame somono háko teleto, Koto to le tena teko tc weele. Weewo tc nenele, Welifle Weno Koto Eblahame, Aiseke, Tiekobu, to lioule Koto teme leko.#20.37 Eikoko Eleaele 3.6 38To tekoko le neneleto, noboko Mosese teko weoule, Eblahame, Aiseke, Tiekobu beli limaelelelc, to liou mene toto eikoko tebe. Tibuto, Kototo, limae lioule Koto tekeyo. Ei, limae liou tokoto, 'Yo to lioule Koto teale' bc kako. Mene toto telc lioule Koto lomo teme. Tekota Eblahame, Aiseke, Tiekobu mene toto bc tebe."
39Kawo, Mosese nenele ifei leko weoulc liou fei tc kalele. "Weoulc lia, no hábomo hábeami!"
40Tisase leletio hábomo hábeale tekota, liou fei meta helele fa leletiakeyo. Emiele luo fa eleko mome tc héwlialele.
Tisase liouko leletiale, Koto alookale liako, helo le
(Matiu 22.41-46, Mak 12.35-37)
41Tisase teko kale. "Klaise Liako ko ko e ebeto, 'To Lebiti helo súó somo.' Toko ko ko e ebe. To le helo tibuto, to halekoko? 42Yo mome leletiakeyo. Lebiti to teli Hí Likolelele bukuno beli nenele.#20.42 Sng 110.1 'Welifle Weno Koto yowo Welifle Wenoko teko kole. "No yowo ka kauno bo keateniko nomo naneko te. 43Yo beli neno bokowo emieleko kofoko kla uwokonoko, neno hekeke helo tukumo li bo likoyaikomo." Yowo Welifle Wenoko teko kale.'
44To le teno Lebiti Klaise Liako teko kale 'Yowo Welifle Weno.' Nobo himo weneno, liou helo súóko teko kolelekeyo 'Yowo Welifle Weno' leko. Ei, to súó helo hau helo tukumo telelele. Liou tei tu súóko teko hcbc koeabeno tekota, Klaise Lia Lebiti helo súó halekoko teikemeko?" Tisase le hekeke teko leletiale.
Mosese nenele ifei leko weoulc liou wanowo biowale ekaelele, helo le
(Matiu 23.1-36, Mak 12.38-40, Luk 11.37-54)
45Liou fei emiele nomo leleko tolo, helo le tukumo telc liouko tc koule. 46"Nobo hábomo you! Mosese nenele ifei leko weoulc liou, helo osusuwólc hlulu osusukabeko, sao helo séwábu fifimo hóó hóó e ebe. 'Liou oko lalouleko kalokoko "Helo hí weno!" Teko kaleko oko lakene olokoko.' Tekoko tibuno tc e ebe. Wó, nobo ilikolc imo bo bo e ebe fato, hí fa lioule helo kekowólelele seyauno ncnane bo kekowó e ebe. Be ae iliko belelele fakono fato, tekoko lowane e ebe. 'Liou olc hí hé toloko!' kabeko tc e ebe. 47Wó fei, souwo lisoboko fekolabou ebeko, helo i heleale iwo tc li li e ebe. Wó Kotoko ú ebe le fato, hlueiano hlueiano tekoko e ebe. 'Liou olc le Kotoko úlelele hlueiano toko leleleko, olc hí hé tolokoko' tc e ebe. To liou wanowo biowale teko eekae e ebe tekota, to lioule le biowale helo wesiowe nani Koto baeikemeto, liou feile helo le biowale wesiowe nani toko iyo tekio fe húáikekeme."

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Luk 20: SIA





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