Matthew 9
Twa hames made blythe — Matthew and Jairus. The blinʼ and the dumb rejoice.
1And he enterʼt the boat, and gaed ower, and cam till his ain toun.
2And behauld! they war bringin till him a man doon wiʼ a stroke, lyin on a couch: and Jesus, seein their aefauldness says tae the man, “Bairn, be oʼ gude heart; yere sins are forgien ye!”
3And mark! thar war Writers sayin within theirsels, “This ane speaks profaneness!”
4And Jesus, kennin their thochts, says, “Why soud ye think ill in yere hearts?
5“Whilk is easier to say, ‘Yere sins are forgien!’ or to say, ‘Rise ye, and walk?’
6“But sae as ye may ken the Son oʼ Man has authoritie on the yirth to forgie sins, (quoʼ he till the ane wiʼ a stroke,) Rise ye, tak up yere bed, and gang yere ways till yere ain hoose!”
7And he, risin up, gaed awa till his ain hoose.
8And aʼ the folk, seein it war dauntit wiʼ fear, and glorifyʼt God for gien sic pooer to men!
9And as Jesus gaed on frae that, he saw a man caʼd Matthew, sittin whaur the dues were paid; and he says till him, “Follow ye me!” And he raise, and followʼt him.
10And it cam aboot, as he was at meat iʼ the hoose, that behauld! mony tax‐men and ill‐deedie anes cam and sat doon wiʼ him and his disciples.
11And whan the Pharisees saw that, quoʼ they till his disciples, “Hoo isʼt that yere maister taks meat wiʼ tax‐folk and ill‐deedie anes?”
12Noo Jesus heard; and quoʼ he to them, “Itʼs no the hale anes that need the leech, but thae that are ill.
13“But gang ye and learn what that sets forth, ‘I wad suner hae mercie nor sacrifeece; for I am‐na come to caʼ the richtous, but sinners.”
14Than the disciples oʼ John cam till him; and quoʼ they, “Hoo isʼt that we fast muckle — and the Pharisees — but yere disciples haena to fast?”
15And Jesus says to them, “Can the bairns oʼ the bridal‐bower fast whan the bridegroom is wiʼ them? But the days come, whan the bridegroom is taen awa frae them, and than wull they fast!
16“And nae ane pits a clout oʼ new claith on an auld coat, for in waukin‐up it rives awa frae the cleedin, and the hole is made waur.
17“Nor div men pit new wine intil auld skins; else the skins rive, and the wine skails; and the skins are destroyʼt: but they pit new wine intil new wine‐skins, and baith are keepit.”
18And, meanwhile he was speakin thir things till them, behauld! a certain Ruler cam, and loutit doon afore him, sayin, “My dochter maun eʼen noo be deid! But come and pit thy haun ower her, and she sal leeve!”
19And Jesus raise and followʼt him; and the disciples as weel.
20And behauld! a wumman wiʼ an issue oʼ blude twal year, cam ahint him to touch the border oʼ his mantle.
21For she said till hersel, “Gin I can but touch his mantle, I sal be weel!”
22But Jesus turned him roonʼ, and whan he saw her, said, “Dochter, tak heart! Yere faith has made ye hale!” And the wumman was made hale frae that ʼoor.
23And Jesus, comin intil the Rulerʼs hoose, saw the flute‐players, and the folk makin a rowt.
24He said to them, “Gie place: for the bairn is no deid, but is sleepin!” And they geckʼt at him, and leuch.
25But whan aʼ the folk war putten oot, he gaed ben; and takin her by the haun, the lassie raise.
26And the sough oʼt spread abreid in aʼ that kintra‐side.
27And as Jesus gaed forrit, twa blinʼ men followʼt him, cryinʼ oot and sayin, “Son oʼ Dauvid! hae mercie on us!”
28And whan he was within the hoose, the blinʼ men cam till him; and Jesus says to them, “Lippen ye that I can do this?” And they say till him, “Aye, Lord!”
29Than touched he their een, sayin, “Eʼen as yere faith, sae be it dune till ye!”
30And their een war unsteekit; and Jesus stricklie chairged them, sayin, “See that nae man ken!”
31But they gaed oot, and spread abreid his fame in aʼ that kintra‐side.
32And as they gaed oot, behauld! they brocht him a dumb man, wiʼ an evil spirit.
33And whan the evil spirit was cuisten oot, the dumb spak; and aʼ the folk ferlied, sayin, “Nevir was sic seen in Israʼl!”
34But the Pharisees said, “He casts oot the demons by the prince oʼ the demons!”
35And Jesus gaed aboot aʼ the touns and villages, teachin iʼ their kirks, and makin kent the Blythe‐message oʼ the Kingdom, and healin aʼ kinds oʼ sickness, and every ill amang aʼ the folk.
36But whan he lookit on the thrangs, he was fuʼ oʼ compassion, for they war in distress and war scattered, as sheep wantin a shepherd.
37Than said he till his disciples “The hairst is maist abundant, but the hairst‐folk are few!
38“Pray ye to the Maister oʼ the hairst, that he may send oot laborers intil his hairst!”
Pilihan Saat Ini:
Matthew 9: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.