Psalms 124

psalm CXXIV
Tuin: Old 124th
1Gin that the Lord
Had ne’er been on our side,
Noo Isra‐el
May weel and truly say,
2Gin that the Lord
Did ne’er us weel betyde,
When men wan up
3Agin’ us, then had they
Sweel’d us alive, —
Sae was their wuth fu’ fey.
4Syne had the fludes
O’ water sweel’d us doon,
And owre oor saul
The too’rin’ tide had gaen;
5Clean owre oor saul
Had gaen the fludes that droon;
6But, blythe be God,
That hasna gien His ain
To feast the fangs
O’ siccan fearsome men.
7Oor saul frae skaith
Richt weel is won awa,
E’en as a bird
Oot frae the girn may win;
Skaith hae we ’scaipt,
The girn is riv’n in twa:
8Syne sal we say,
Oor help alane is in
The Lord, that made
Himsel’ baith yirth and hevin.

Pilihan Saat Ini:

Psalms 124: SCOMP





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