Heart of a Coach Օրինակ

Heart of a Coach

ՕՐ 5 7-ից


 I’m a big believer that God is in charge of your life. I believe this because I’ve seen how God has directed my path, even though I might not have been aware at the time.

So many times I was in a certain place, like when I played for the Chicago Cubs, and I thought that I was going to play there the rest of my career. Then I went to Colorado and I thought I’d be there the rest of my career. And then I went to New York. In the beginning, New York was very difficult. I didn’t understand why God put me there. But I realized over time that there was reason for everything He does, and ultimately, He’s in charge. 

Many of the things that have happened in my life weren’t situations that I would have chosen for myself. But God has put me where He has wanted me to go, not where I wanted to go.  

Solomon once wrote in Proverbs 29:11 that, “Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the LORD’s decree will prevail.” Fact is, God’s plan is always much better than anything we could devise on our own. He always knows what best for us. That’s because He created us and knows us better than we know ourselves. 

If you’re not sure if you’re in the right place at any stage as a coach, think about how your life would have been different if you hadn’t stayed where God put you. Think about all of the people He’s touched because of you. No matter what the circumstance, never forget that God is in control. – Joe Girardi


 1. Have you even been through a time when you questioned why God put you in certain place?

 2. How did God reveal to you that He was in control and you were exactly where he wanted you to be?

3. What is one area of your life you need to let have God have complete control of?


Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 55:8-11; Matthew 6:25-34; Romans 8:28; 


Father, thank you for taking control of my life and placing me exactly where you want me to be. Help me to see your plan for my life and trust you with the future. Amen.


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Heart of a Coach

As a coach, you’re a source of encouragement and inspiration for your team by preparing and guiding your players to win. Yet, your busy life as a coach can steal the time you need to study the Bible as your source of strength and encouragement. In order to find strength for the daily challenges you face as a coach, spending time with God is the winning strategy.
