The Bible Matters Because _______________. Օրինակ

The Bible Matters Because _______________.

ՕՐ 10 23-ից

New Identity

By American Bible Society

“When I found I had crossed that line, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like gold through trees, and over the fields, and I felt like I was in Heaven.” —Harriet Tubman

When Harriet Tubman escaped slavery in 1849 and physically stepped into a new existence as a free woman, it felt as if the colors and substance of nature itself changed along with her. A similar shift occurs for us as we step into a new existence, belonging to Christ, finally at peace with God. 

The language of this passage in 2 Corinthians flows like a waterfall, streaming from a high altitude—“the love of Christ urges us on” (NRSV)—and tumbling down to our day-to-day activity—we are appointed “Christ’s ambassadors,” entrusted with a message of divine reconciliation. 

There’s been a move from one state into another, something like a transition from slavery to freedom (elsewhere Scripture describes it exactly that way). Mysteriously and incredibly, the source of our new life is Christ’s death. But what’s the effect of that on our daily living? 

For one thing, we see other people differently. We used to evaluate others on human terms—how they look, dress, talk; their background, career, or popularity. We may have written people off because of what they believed or how they acted.

But now, like Harriet Tubman, we feel ourselves stepping out in a new identity. God sees us in all our failures, weaknesses, and hypocrisy—and he welcomes us into his love. That kind of acceptance is infectious. We start to accept others, and want to share the message of acceptance.

Now, when we interact with our friends and coworkers, we don’t relegate them into categories of usefulness, status, or similarity to ourselves. In our new role as ambassadors, we only want them to enjoy what we’re enjoying.

So what does the Bible have to do with all of this? It’s the route out and up. It’s what Paul calls “the message of reconciliation.” Through reading, questioning, and pondering Scripture, we invite this message into our lives. We practice it, demonstrate it to others, and talk about it. Like Harriet Tubman, we work to bring others into this fresh experience of freedom.

American Bible Society has teamed with other ministries in a project that uses web technology, research and social media to help curious people discover the Bible. To learn more, go to

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The Bible Matters Because _______________.

 #WhyBible exists so that people can share stories and conversations about why the Bible matters today. It’s designed to remind us all that the Bible continues to have an incredible impact on individuals and communities around the world. This plan features content from #WhyBible and three of its partner organizations — American Bible Society, ShareWord and Wycliffe Bible Translators — about the Bible’s significance today.  
