Not of This WorldՕրինակ

Not of This World

ՕՐ 8 12-ից

Day 8: Called to Live in Peace

Can you recall a situation when you were treated differently because of your faith? Christians have been the subject of discrimination, or even alienation and isolation within the communities they are a part of. Some of us may have been labelled as “bigots” or been at the receiving end of similar snide remarks due to our beliefs.

Perhaps you were passed over for a promotion or singled out and ridiculed among your classmates or colleagues. In certain countries with harsher penalties against Christians, you may even face the threat of harm against you and your family.

It is easy, and almost a reflex, to want to respond in kind. We may imagine different scenarios where we act out in anger in response to these hostilities. Sometimes, when it becomes too much to bear, we lash out at them – and it makes us feel good. We feel validated that we have meted out the ‘right’ punishment for those who have wronged us.

In 1 Peter 3, the believers were being discriminated for their faith, facing social and cultural marginalization from the communities they were in. Yet, in verse 9, Peter clearly instructs them not to repay evil for evil and instead, respond with blessing. This means to repay evil with kindness – to pray for those against them and to ensure their overall well-being. In doing so, we will “inherit a blessing” (verse 9).

It is almost unthinkable to think well of a person who has mistreated us, let alone respond with love. But as Christians, we are called to a higher standard, to emulate Christ in everything we do by being filled with His love, and reflecting His forgiveness and compassion to everyone we meet. Even those we believe do not deserve it.

It is easy to live in harmony with those who treat us well. Understandably, the decision to pursue peace in a world full of strife and conflict is a difficult one. Yet the Lord promises us that those who choose righteousness are never far from His sight. He hears our prayers (verse 12).

After all, aren’t we all undeserving of the grace that was bestowed to us on the cross? Despite our sin, God reached down in his infinite love to reconcile us back to Him. As we navigate the difficult relationships with people who seem to be against us, let us always decide to walk in His love.

Prayer points:

  • Is there someone who has mistreated you because of your faith that you have been unable to forgive? Pray against this unforgiveness and ask the Lord to fill you with His love, as you decide to lead a life that pursues peace.
  • Pray that God will empower you to respond in love and kindness when you are treated differently because of your faith. Ask God to assure you that as you do so, He is close and hears your prayers.


What A Friend We Have In Jesus – Reawaken Hymns

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Not of This World

The world we are living in is transient and temporal. As believers, we are passengers in transit on Earth and our destination is our eternity with Christ. As such, how do we remember our identity as God’s holy people while navigating the fallen world we are in? Journey with us and learn how we can live differently, as people not of this world.
