Being Christ's Disciple Is to D.I.EՕրինակ

Being Christ's Disciple Is to D.I.E

ՕՐ 3 4-ից


People today tend to measure influence, for example, by the number of ‘likes’ on social media, however, Christ did not gauge his influence based on large numbers who professed to believe in him. John 2 :23-24 “… many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people.” The call to discipleship is not mere belief; the word follow implies total obedience; one who cleaves steadfastly and conforms wholly to His example, in living, and if needs be, in dying as well.

Christ coached or influenced inconsistent, unreliable fishermen to be transformed as saints, to serve as His ambassadors to the world. Their transformation took place as they followed Him, and nothing could stop them after the day of Pentecost. We have given far too much of importance to rituals such as reciting creeds, kneeling at the altar or even getting baptized to symbolically announce ones faith, at the expense of emphasising a daily walk, in submission to His will.

Christ expected a lifetime of unconditional obedience especially after He laid down His life for the world. Obedience was expected when Christ called Peter and Levi to leave all and follow Him. The story of the rich young ruler highlights the need for literal single-minded obedience. It is futile when people try to justify their disobedience by explaining away their actions.

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Being Christ's Disciple Is to D.I.E

Jesus said "Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." We love and follow him because he first loved us.
