God, Help Me Not To Mess Up My Kids!Օրինակ

God, Help Me Not To Mess Up My Kids!

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God, Help My Kids to Look to You—A Prayer for Kids to Love God’s Word

Do you remember the person who poured into you, sharing the hope of God’s Word with you? Maybe it was your mom or your grandmother or a Sunday School teacher. In Acts and 1 Timothy we learn that Timothy’s mother was a Jewish believer. He had the privilege of hearing the Word in the most amazing manner—from His mom! She had passed down a love for God and had taught him from the Jewish writings since he was a young boy. It was at the knees of his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice that he was led to faith. He gained from these two women the foundation for strength and character.

Paul says Timothy had a “genuine faith,” the same as that which lived in his mother and grandmother (2 Timothy 1:1-5). Eunice and Lois prepared Timothy to accept Christ by teaching him the Old Testament Scriptures and preparing him “from infancy” to recognize the Messiah when He appeared (2 Timothy 3:15).

Today’s verse reminds us to teach our children the Bible because it is able to make them wise for salvation.

Let’s use today’s verses as a blueprint for prayer. Take the concepts of the verses and turn them into a prayer for your children. Here’s an example:

Father God, give my children a strong love for your Word. Use it to make them wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. May they understand that Your Word is inspired by You and it will teach them the way in which they should walk. Give them the desire to study it, be corrected by it, and trained in righteousness. May they grow to be servants of You, completely equipped for every good work” (based on 2 Timothy 3:15-17).

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God, Help Me Not To Mess Up My Kids!

Sometimes our prayers for our kids turn into a plea for survival, “God, help me not mess up my kids!” You want to say more, but can’t come up with the words. We understand the sentiment. We’ve compiled 5 Biblically-based devotions to help you pray for your kids.
