Many Christians say utterances they don’t believe just because such utterances are socially acceptable. Is there anything you believe in your heart? Do you believe “By His stripes, I’m healed”? The spirit of faith speaks the word of God that you believe, not what is happening to you or around you. It is not a statement of desire, but genuinely having the experiences God has promised you as a Christian.
As a Christian, God is in control of your life, and you must believe that. Every time you say something contrary to this, you weaken the spirit of faith in you, which is why the spirit of faith in many people’s lives has been incapacitated and weakened.
Proverbs 15:4 speaks of a wholesome tongue. When your tongue has been healed and cured from negative speech, it becomes a tree of life that you can pluck fruit from, and people can come and take from that fruit of your tongue, which is healing for the nations.
A man who can bridle his tongue and control his body is mature. Your Christian maturity is not seen in how well you dress like a Christian or carry the Bible (though it is part of it), but in how you use your mouth.
If you don't believe what you read in God's word, you won't be sensitive to the spirit of faith in you, you won't find God's presence attractive, and you'll be attracting bad things to yourself.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive a wholesome tongue that is tried and purged from negative speeches in Jesus’ name. Amen!
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If you are born again, you are not ordinary! Why? Because you have that same spirit of faith, which is in Christ. Faith is a divine equalizer that God has made available to His children, such that whatever is happening on the earth, it will give you an advantage. In this 31-day devotional you will learn how to renew the spirit of faith and use it to your advantage.