The ThreadՕրինակ

The Thread

ՕՐ 14 30-ից

Kind Protection

Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thrust humanity into a new reality. Birth became painful, life got hard, and physical death was inevitable, though not necessarily immediate. Believing the serpent began a string of realizations that would have consequences for centuries. God set to work right away to make the relationship with him possible again, but it could not be the same without redemption.

Being like God meant that innocence had been broken. Adam and Eve now had a perspective that made them aware of things God had protected them from knowing. God responded with grace and love. He started by finding them in the garden. He went to them. As they acknowledged their perspective and understanding had changed, God killed a lamb to make garments for them, covering the shame they were now aware of.

God then removed Adam and Eve from the garden to protect them from being permanently stuck in sin. If Adam and Eve had also eaten from the Tree of Life, they would have been locked into that sinful state forever. God wanted them to be able to reconnect with Him. Thus, he put a plan into motion to restore humans to a relationship with him.

The brutal consequences of humanity's decision to believe the serpent still play out today. When we use our judgment in place of God's truth, we reap a skewed version of God—or worse, consequences for our actions. People often claim to have a full life of their own making, but the fruit of that life is more pain and suffering.

In our culture, the highest priority is often avoiding difficulty and pain. We don't like to follow God's way because it doesn't yield immediate fulfillment. We often view God's way as too hard. Not much has changed since Adam and Eve. God's way leads to the fullest and best life but requires submission to Him. Our pride wants to be in charge, and our way does not lead to life.

Reliance on God's truth is the only way to live life to the fullest. Jesus came to bring us life to the fullest. We cannot accomplish that on our own.

Question: Are you ready to submit to God today? Do you still want to do things your way?

Prayer: Spend some time thanking God, even for your difficulties. Ask God what things may be holding you back from submitting to his best way for you. Name your challenging situations honestly and invite God to help you honor him as you walk through these difficulties.

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The Thread

This twelve-part plan traces the thread of God's story with a high-level overview of the whole Bible; it can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus, all the while discovering the heart of God for the whole world. This month, we'll read through Genesis 1–11. Let's dive into part one of twelve!
