Leadership Prayers Like JesusՕրինակ

Leadership Prayers Like Jesus

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As we continue to look at Jesus's high priestly prayer, we see an example of Jesus's servant leadership. Jesus demonstrates for us how God calls leaders to serve those they lead.

In verses 9-13, we see Jesus show two essential prayers for any Christian leader. First, the Christian leader should pray and recognize that their followers belong to God. Look at Jesus's example. In verse 9, Jesus prayed in recognition that His followers belong to the Father. After this (vs. 10), Jesus then acknowledged His own authority over those He led. As we seek to lead like Jesus, we should remember God's higher authority in the lives of those we lead.

The second lesson from Jesus's prayer comes at the end of verse 11 into verse 12. A Christian leader's prayers should include prayers for the spiritual growth of those they lead. Notice in verse 11 how Jesus prays for the Father, asking Him to keep them in His name. Active prayers for the spiritual growth of your team are essential. Yet, Jesus goes a step further. In verse 12, Jesus says, "I have guarded them." Jesus understood the role of a leader in protecting the spiritual health of those they lead. Likewise, you and I must seek the spiritual discernment needed to help guard the spiritual growth of those we lead.

Action Steps:

Make a list of those whom you lead. Confess God's supreme authority over them. Praise Him for those He's blessed you with influence over.

Ask Him how you should be a part of their spiritual growth. Consider listing them out by name. Seek the Spirit's direction on how you can guard their spiritual journey with Him.

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Leadership Prayers Like Jesus

Right now, you may be facing a difficult season as a leader. Leadership is never easy. With personal anxiety, team stress, and never-ending task lists, life can feel off-course. As Jesus faced His most difficult moments, He turned to prayer. Discover how Jesus' own prayers can impact every leader's needs.
