Better TogetherՕրինակ

Better Together

ՕՐ 3 3-ից


We know that God didn't design us to do life alone. Whilst it's essential to have relationships in our lives, there are some important things within a healthy relationship that not only make that relationship effective and helpful but also worthwhile.

There's a famous quote; "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future"? We think that applies to young people, but the same can be said for adult relationships.Influence is a natural occurrence in relationships – whether you're the influencer or the one being influenced. Have you noticed that close friends often end up using the same lingo, or have the same quirks? The people you're friends with and the trajectory of their life often impact your own, simply based on the fact that you end up influencing each other; your actions, the things you say, the habits you form.

Godly relationships are an essential part of living a healthy life. Proverbs 27:17 (NKJV) says; "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." As opposed to popular opinion, relationships aren't just for the good, fluffy moments. Yes, iron sharpens iron, but it only happens through striking, friction, and often sends sparks flying. Healthy, biblical friendships are likened to this refining process; a friend is to sharpen their friend's countenance (character) through encouragement, challenge, biblical rebuke, living by example, and sometimes those awkward conversations that none of us want to have but must have in order to help one another grow and become more Christlike – the process of sanctification.

As Christians, we should be greatly concerned with the eternal state of those close to us. If you are avoiding awkward conversations with those you are close with simply because they're awkward, you need to understand that where they spend their eternity is more important than how you feel.

This quote from Francis Chan can be applied so well to all types of relationships;

"Marriage is one of the most humbling, sanctifying journeys you will ever be a part of. It forces us to wrestle with our selfishness and pride. But it also gives us a platform to display love and commitment. "

DAY THREE ACTION POINT - Reach out to someone you trust and invite them to share 'sharpening' advice with you.It doesn't have to be something that is done on the spot – create a space for it in your relationship so you can help one another grow.

PRAYER - Thank you Father, that we are sanctified in You, but that your desire for us is to become more Christlike. Thank you for placing people around us who can help sharpen our countenance so that we can recognise the areas in our lives that need refining and sanctifying. Help us to take off our pride so that we can receive biblical rebuke as love, and help us be bold in our love so that we would sharpen those we are close with when needed. Guide us, Holy Spirit, in all that we do. In Jesus' Name, amen.

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Better Together

Fellowship is an essential part of being a Christian, and to building the Church. This three day devotional explores how God made us for relationship with Him and with each other. We truly are better together - as we love each other, encourage each other and grow in our faith together.
