CHANGED! And Changing Still..Օրինակ

CHANGED! And Changing Still..

ՕՐ 18 31-ից

Finding Reflections

Key Thought

We have a view of the ocean from most of the rooms in our home. A developer bought the two blocks next door and demolished the dwellings. For months, we had uninterrupted views from our bedroom. Eventually, an even larger complex was constructed on that land and impeded most of our view.

The very next morning revealed something we had not experienced before. As the sun rose early over the ocean, it lit up the four story white wall next door. The reflection of sun rise shot straight into our bedroom. It was like someone had turned our building around to face the sun.

I lay there in my bed, marvelling at the possibilities we Christians have to reflect the Son!

God said, let there be light in the darkness. God is light. In Him there is no darkness. Jesus is the exact representation of who God is. Christ in us, is the hope of glory. Jesus, the Son, dwells in us.

The more I spend time with Jesus the more I reflect His life, His attitude, His behaviour, His values. I reflect the Son. People should be able to look at me and see the Son Rise all over me!

What's more, I should be able to see the Son rising over you too. His reflections should be clearly seen in all we say and do.

Time To Think

Who are the people who best reflect Jesus to me? What can I change to reflect Jesus more?


Jesus, You are the light of the world, and You want me to reflect Your light. It's obvious when I spend time with You. Thank you for Your light. Help me to be a greater reflection of who You are. Amen.

Օր 17Օր 19

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CHANGED! And Changing Still..

When we surrender to Jesus He changes us in a moment but we are still being changed everyday to become more like Him. This devotion deals with the everyday, ordinary changes that we all face in becoming more Christ-like. We are changed and changing still.
