The BlessingՕրինակ

The Blessing

ՕՐ 11 12-ից

The God Flavours

God of every blessing, I invite You to shape my soul with Your words and inspire my life through Your works. Teach me to walk in the way of blessing.

Pause and pray

Today I am reflecting on Jesus’s words right after the Beatitudes, which seems to be a summary of His invitation to us.

Read Matthew 5:13

As I’ve been reflecting on the life of Jesus and the way of Blessing, it’s become very clear that God’s ways are not my ways - they are higher, brighter and better.

One day a friend of mine wrote on her mirror, ‘Am I living a life worth imitating?’. It reminds her every day that people are watching. Her friends, her family, even her Instagram followers! I am challenged by her question and want to be able to say with confidence, like Paul did ‘Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.’ (1 Corinthians 11:1)

How salty is my life? Am I bringing out the God-flavours of this earth?

Lord, in the quiet I ask You to show me where I have lost some of my zing, where my life has lost its Holy Spirit zip and sizzle. Lord, I repent, and I ask that You would infuse me with Your flavour again so that those around me can taste and see that You are good.

Pause and pray

God, I pray for the church. Forgive us for all the ways we taste like, look like, sound like and act like the world around us. Where we have allowed the dominant culture of our day and time to dilute and diminish the glory of God and the good news of the Kingdom. God in Your mercy cleanse us, set us apart to Yourself. Let holiness adorn Your house (Psalm 93:5). Start with me and my church. I pray for them now.

Pause and pray

My friend Jill has been a prayer missionary, leading new monastic communities for almost 20 years. Her goal has been to give herself to the work of prayer, mission and justice, shaping her lifestyles around the Sermon on the Mount.

When people hear that they often ask her, isn’t that boring?

Boring! Ha! I’m not sure that she’s had a boring day in her life. Some pretty horrific days, and some heavenly ones. But anyone who thinks that shaping their lifestyle around the way of Jesus is boring, probably haven’t actually tried it.

God, I yield myself to the adventure of obedience, of following You in this countercultural, downward way. Jesus, You have my attention. You have my affection. You have my allegiance.


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The Blessing

Who gets blessed in God’s upside-down Kingdom? Pray through the beatitudes, Jesus’ transformative teaching about God’s goodness for the most unexpected people, and reflect on how you can live in a radically different way.
