Chosen to Be a Miracle!Օրինակ

Chosen to Be a Miracle!

ՕՐ 12 26-ից

In spirit and in truth!

Here is Photina’s story…

I have always dreamed of marrying a Prince Charming, a man who would love me, someone I could raise a family with according to the principles that Adonai, the Lord, commanded us in the Law.

Unfortunately, my experience with marriage has not been what I'd hoped for. At times, it seemed that my husbands were not seeking God and were selfish. At other times, my own complexes and insecurities were the problem. The truth is that I have failed in all five of my marriages, and my faith has suffered in the process.

My neighbors despised me for my complicated love life and wouldn't even let me go with them to the well in the cool of the morning. I had to go alone in the middle of the day when no one else wanted to go because of the intense heat.

I have never been very knowledgeable about the Scriptures, but my heart has always sought God. However, I've only encountered barriers and obstacles that have kept me from approaching Him throughout my life. I often wondered: What should I do? Where should I go to pray or worship if, as a Samaritan, I wasn't allowed to enter the Temple in Jerusalem? What was God's will for my life?

One day, as I was going alone to the well to fetch water, I saw Him. Yes, Jesus of Nazareth was waiting for me. At first, I thought He was a prophet who intended to shame and condemn me for my sins, but in the end, I understood that He was nothing of the sort. He was the Messiah, and He had purposely come to that well at noon to meet me and reveal Himself to me!

Surely it must have been a mistake. Why me? His eyes said it all: He knew me perfectly well, yet He would not reject me. He told me that I could have a living relationship with God beyond mountains or rituals, for the Father sought that relationship in spirit and truth (John 4:20-26, NKJV).

Never had my heart experienced so much joy! I could not contain my desire to tell everyone about Jesus, so I told the whole town about Him. My life has never been the same since that day.

My name is Photina, and I have been chosen by Jesus.

Bible references: John 4:5-29

Jesus wants to encounter you and reveal Himself to you more and more every day. It doesn't matter what others say or think about you: He knows you deeply, yet He accepts and loves you just as you are. Come before Him this day, and let the joy of His presence flood your life and move you to do everything He has prepared for you.

You are Chosen to be a Miracle!

Christian Misch

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Chosen to Be a Miracle!

What if, these next 25 days, we could remember the miracles that Jesus performed in the lives of those who came to Him, and we were inspired by their stories to experience God's miracles in our own lives and also be miracles for others? Join Christian Misch as he examines the lives and testimonies of those who chose to follow Jesus Based on The Chosen series by Angel Studios.
