Be Still: 15 Days With God Օրինակ

Be Still: 15 Days With God

ՕՐ 2 15-ից


The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. EXODUS 14:14

If you believe in the Lord Jesus and now you’re tested due to circumstances in your life, don’t be afraid!

The people of Israel were on their way out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, which is a picture of salvation for us. However, the people's hearts still had a journey to get Egypt out of them, and in many ways, we are alike! If you have been born again by the Spirit of God, now your soul—your mind, emotions, and the throne of your will—needs to be updated and transformed according to this new reality of God’s life in you.

When you keep your heart and mind on the things of the Lord, though the world is caving in around you, you are at peace. You know who you are and Whose you are! The Red Sea barrier seemed like a trap and a death sentence with the Egyptian army behind bearing down on them—but it was as necessary to them as our troubles are to us. It was necessary to show us how powerful our God is and that trust in Him is well-founded!

From Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord, Exodus 14

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Be Still: 15 Days With God

"Be still, and know that I am God;" (PSALM 46:10a). Many Christians are familiar with this verse, but do we really understand it? This exhortation applies when we are distracted by our successes, as when we are fearful and disquieted by some troublesome news. We need to learn to quiet ourselves by opening God’s Word and gaining His perspective in both cases.
