Illuminated: Hebrews 1-2Օրինակ

Illuminated: Hebrews 1-2

ՕՐ 7 9-ից

But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. - Hebrews 2:9 ESV

Greek Word Focus

πάθημα/pathéma: strong emotions, that which befalls a person

Why It Matters

Nathan Hale was a 21-year-old soldier for the Continental Army who volunteered for George Washington’s secret spy mission into Manhattan. On September 8th, 1776, Hale volunteered to go behind enemy lines and spy on British troops. He would be hanged two weeks later for his actions and provide America with one of her most enduring quotes from the Revolutionary War. On the gallows, witnesses purported that Hale said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Whether he uttered those exact words or not is debatable to some, but what is not up for debate is the impact this story had on the morale and outlook of the American troops. Death was no longer seen as something final but a tool to inspire others and further the cause of the War. Death was now a reminder of something bigger than one’s self. 

The writer of Hebrews lays out the truth that Jesus’ death wasn’t something that ended His impact on the earth but rather fulfilled the purpose of God on behalf of humanity. Jesus experienced the pathéma (suffering, experienced strong emotions due to something that befalls a person) of death, but that Greek word implies far more than simply going through the physical pain of death. Throughout the New Testament, we see that Jesus was subject to many strong emotions as He faced death. But He could also confidently commit Himself to the Father in death, knowing that the pathéma He was experiencing was producing something as part of a more remarkable story. Through the grace of God, Jesus' death created a way for Him to taste death for everyone. When we submit our lives to God as an offering, even the emotions connected to death can be full of hope, knowing that Jesus has paid our debt through His death and that now our pathéma point to a story far more significant than ourselves.


How will I apply Christ's humility to change my perspective?

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Illuminated: Hebrews 1-2

Let’s face it - life can be confusing! Wouldn’t it be nice to know where to find a spark of hope – a ray of light? Thankfully, God has a plan so that what we journey through can be illuminated by the radiance of His glory. Explore that plan with us in this devotional through the first two chapters of Hebrews.
