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2. We don’t believe that we need to do it right now and we fall into the sin of thinking we have more time.

Why is it a sin to think that we have more time? Because time is holy and we have so little of it. Life on this side of Heaven is short and it is quite selfish of us to believe that we have more time. More time to share the gospel, more time to serve Christ on earth, or more time to pursue the things God has called us to. Time is a precious gift from the Lord and to waste it through laziness, procrastination, and an unorganized schedule is a sin. We were placed on this earth for the specific purpose of serving God. For us to waste it away with the things that we are so distracted by is unfaithfulness to God. Here are three main scriptures that are wonderful reminders of why the time will always be now:

“When clouds are heavy, the rains come down.

Whether a tree falls north or south, it stays where it falls. Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.” Ecclesiastes 11:3-4

“You lazy fool, look at an ant. Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two. Nobody has to tell it what to do. All summer it stores up food; at harvest it stockpiles provisions. So how long are you going to laze around doing nothing? How long before you get out of bed? A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there, sit back, take it easy—do you know what comes next?” Proverbs 6:6-11

“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” Colossians 1:16

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In this Bible plan, we will discuss procrastination. We will take a deeper look at why we have this habit and how to break it with some biblical and practical tools.
