Living a Righteous Life in GodՕրինակ

Living a Righteous Life in God

ՕՐ 3 3-ից



We realize that time is a part of our lives that is beyond our control. The ancient Greeks have two words for "time", which are Chronos and Kairos.

Chronos refers to the sequence of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years) while Kairos refers to the exact time to do something and something permanent. We often use the word Kairos to refer to "God's timing".

These two times are in God's control. We can adjust our watch to show the current time, however, we can’t change time, such as from daytime to nighttime or from nighttime to daytime. We can’t even rewind or move forward one second. Therefore, we need to appreciate and use the time God has given us wisely.

Psalm 90:12 – Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.


What does the Bible tell us about “time”?

Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 – to everything there is a season

1. Time is limited (verse 1) 

Limited time says that there is no eternal time in this world. The Psalmist said, “The days of our lives are seventy years, and if because of strength they are eighty years, yet, their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”  (Psalm 90:10).

What matters is how we spend our lives with this limited time.

Most of us think that these 24 hours are ours, that we are free to use them for schedules, plans, and activities that are aligned with our will and desire without the involvement of God. If we claim that we belong to Christ, then we need to involve Him every day in whatever we are going to do and plan.

2. God’s time is always the best (verse 11)

God is the Omniscience God.  He certainly understands and knows the best time to answer our prayers or fulfill what He has promised to us. However, sometimes we are impatient. We insist that God's prayers, requests, and promises must be answered and fulfilled immediately.

An example of this is the story of Sarai who couldn’t wait for God’s timing (Genesis 16). She made her own decision by going ahead of God to have children through her servant girl. All of us know the consequences of this decision: how the descendants of Hagar (the Kedar and Nebaioth) always "disturbed" Abraham's descendants from the lineage of Isaac until today.

If we surrender to God's timing in all aspects of our lives (family, business, work, personal things, etc.), then He will guide our paths and ensure that everything goes according to His will.

3. Time is the grace of God (verse 14)

“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” 

(Ephesians 5:15-16). 

Apostle Paul advised the church at Ephesus to redeem the time by living as children of light (and not the other way around) so that the name of God could be glorified.  The next verse from 

Ephesians 5:17 says, “Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

We can use the time God has given us wisely when we understand His will. How can we understand God's will? We can understand His will by reading the word of God, because the word of God is a lamp and a light for our paths. (Psalm 119: 105).


We often hear the term "time is money". This makes people use their time to earn as much money as possible and have no time for others (themselves, their families, and even God). It could also be that "time is not just about money" but "time is my hobby, my family, my job/business, my ministry” and there is “no time for God”.

If we are still allowed to live, let us use our lives to benefit the Kingdom of God by using our days (Chronos) according to God's will and guidance through the truth of His word and His Spirit. 

Let us share and testify about God’s love and greatness with our family, friends, or colleagues when there is an opportunity to do so. You should also do the same if someone wants to share his problems with you or asks you to pray for him. Do not waste this opportunity. This is God's Kairos for all of us.

We need to understand that someday we will be accountable for our deeds before God for what we have done during the time God has given to us while we are still in the world. 


• All of us have 24 hours, no more and no less. How do we use those 24 hours in our daily life? Is it effective enough? Are we wise enough to spend the time we have?

• Based on the answers above, let's improve the way we use the time God has given us. Let's discuss with one another how to have good time management, especially when it relates to our spiritual lives.

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Այս Ծրագրի Մասին

Living a Righteous Life in God

This plan will help to remind us to have a righteous life in God
