Why Should I Dedicate My Kids? Օրինակ

Why Should I Dedicate My Kids?

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But What About When It’s Messy?

So what exactly is child dedication? Well, to put it simply, child dedication is when parents make a public commitment to raise their children to know and love Jesus. There are many different words or phrases used to describe child dedication in Scripture: “consecrated to God,” “dedicated from the womb,” or even “given over to God.” 

The Bible gives multiple examples of child dedication, most significantly, Jesus was dedicated in the temple 8 days after His birth. It took divine intervention for Jesus to even be conceived, as Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin when she became pregnant. The supernatural circumstances around the conception and birth of Jesus were some of the first indicators of the divine call on His life.

And though the birth of Jesus was layered with supernatural elements, there were also some very practical obstacles that Mary and Joseph, His parents, had to face. Mary was pregnant out of wedlock—a huge cultural and moral no-no. Joseph contemplated quietly divorcing her which would have brought immense shame to both families. Imagine the stress. Further, at the time of Jesus’ birth, Mary and Joseph were away from home. Their birth plan was shot. And to top it all off, a couple years later the governor of their city literally went into a genocidal rage attempting to take out their new son!

But through it all, God brought understanding, provision, and guidance. An angel appeared to Joseph, convincing him to still take Mary as his wife. God provided a manger for Jesus to be placed in and shepherds to herald His birth. And an angel would appear to Joseph once more warning him of the threat to Jesus’ life, giving the young family time to escape to Egypt. God was just as present with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, in their practical, day-to-day struggles, as He was in the supernatural elements that led to Jesus’ conception. He was born into these seemingly impossible circumstances, yet the moment of His birth was a declaration of the purpose that God had for Him. It’s no different with your children. 

That being said, you may be facing circumstances that feel completely ordinary. There are no angels appearing, shepherds rejoicing, or crazy rulers coming after you. The good news is that God is actively walking with you even as you face the practical struggles of single parenting, trying to create more financial margin, or engaging with your child when you’re honestly exhausted. As you contemplate taking the step of child dedication, understand that in doing so you’re acknowledging God’s divine handiwork in the life of your family—from the messy and mundane to the best moments imaginable. You are recognizing that God was present, is present, and will be present, with you in and through it all!


God, thank You for blessing me with children. Thank You for always being with me in every situation. Thank You for the tremendous plans You have for my children. Help me to recognize Your role in their lives daily. 

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Why Should I Dedicate My Kids?

Child dedication—“Why do we do it?” “When do we do it?” “Should we even be doing this at all?” In this five-day Bible Plan, we’ll take a closer look at child dedication for what it truly is—the beginning of lifelong discipleship. And the good news is, you’re not on this journey alone!
