Trusting God's Plan in the Waiting: Lessons From the Life of JosephՕրինակ

Trusting God's Plan in the Waiting: Lessons From the Life of Joseph

ՕՐ 9 22-ից


“When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream…” (v1) Let that sink in for a minute.  Two FULL years. We aren’t talking one Christmas to the next, but two FULL calendar years.  That’s a long time for Joseph to be forgotten and left working in the dungeon. To really hammer in this point, look at your photo library on your phone or computer.  Now scroll past the months to all the things you did in the past two years. A lot of life happened in the form of birthdays, parties, events, trips, you name it. Now, do you see how long it must have felt for Joseph?  But as we’ll see, things will go from stagnant to warp speed all in one day.

One night, Pharaoh had two dreams. Sound familiar? We started off Joseph’s story with his two dreams.  Later the cupbearer and the baker both had prophetic dreams the same night.  Pharaoh knew something was different with these dreams about fat cows and skinny cows (and he’s not dreaming of the yummy ice cream bars)! He called in all his magicians and wise men, but these guys had no clue.  

Cue the lightbulb going off over the cupbearer’s head. His boss needs something and NOW he remembers what Joseph did for him by interpreting the dreams two years ago. At least the guy spoke up and said something, after all, Joseph’s interpretations came true. 

Here’s where the story gets exciting for all of us who are waiting! Picture Joseph in the prison, long scruffy beard, tattered clothes, dirty skin, and who knows how bad he stank. The king of Egypt now sends for Joseph, “and he was quickly brought from the dungeon. When he shaved and changed his clothes, he came before Pharaoh.” (v14)  

Just like in Psalm 40:2, God lifted Joseph out of the miry pit of a dungeon in an instant. Oh, I know it didn’t feel like an instant for all the years Joseph suffered, but when God puts His plan into motion for you and me, He reserves the right to change things slowly over time or quickly in an instant. The point is to see God’s hand in this story.  

Joseph is sold into slavery ->

Pharaoh’s captain of the guard buys him -> 

Joseph is falsely accused of rape -> 

Joseph goes to Pharaoh's prison -> 

The cupbearer and baker get imprisoned -> 

Joseph interprets their dreams -> 

Cupbearer gets out -> 

Pharaoh has dreams -> 

Cupbearer remembers Joseph -> 

Joseph is brought before Pharaoh. So, the cupbearer, actually was Joseph’s “get out of jail free” card, just not WHEN Joseph was expecting.  

Soon we’ll see how God allowed Pharaoh to have the prophetic dreams and reminded the cupbearer of Joseph to interpret those dreams. This all happened at the perfect time when Joseph was needed for the big mission God had been preparing him for all along!  Y’all, it’s getting good! 


  • Why do you think God allowed two more years to pass for Joseph in the prison?   
  • Have you ever been catapulted out of a wait?  What happened?   
  • Have you ever taken the time to truly be honest with God in voicing your frustrations about your situation?  If not, do it today.  Ask Him to help you see anything you’ve learned or ways He has used you in this time of waiting.
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Trusting God's Plan in the Waiting: Lessons From the Life of Joseph

Waiting. We all experience seasons of life when we are waiting on something - a spouse, a baby, healing, a job, or for what God has next in your life. We'll study the life of Joseph, a man who was betrayed by his brothers, falsely imprisoned and ultimately saved the nation of Israel during a famine. Learn from Joseph how to trust God while you wait on Him!
