Finding A TreasureՕրինակ

Finding A Treasure

ՕՐ 7 7-ից


And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

Like me, you’ll probably never forget the moment a doctor stood before you and named the disease that would label your child different or special.

I had been in labor all morning, and finally at 2:22 p.m. my Caroline decided to come with a bang. It all happened so fast the doctor barely made it for the delivery. I was so glad to see my chubby baby girl I had waited so long to hold. Too much in pain and too exhausted to notice anything at all, I rested in the fact that the hard part was over.

Yet, later that day, I saw doctors and nurses scurrying around and acting a little weird, but again, I was so tired that I quickly dismissed it all. Then in the middle of the night, when many of us are the most tired and confused, a nurse decided to fill me in on everything the doctors and family were thinking. I remember being so tired - but so shocked by this horrible picture she painted of my child - that I’ll never forget a word she said.

I thought later, So doctors ran some tests and named her. Funny thing , I named her Caroline; everyone else labeled her a Down’s baby. Wow, that irritated me! She was a litter girl, not a little syndrome. Suddenly I was facing a pretty big mountain to move, but I knew together with Jesus all thing are possible. But first and foremost, I wanted people to quit labeling her as a problem.

One day I read a portion of Scripture that said Christ is above “every name that is named”. Suddenly I realized why it irritated me so badly when people referred to her as a Down’s baby. I realized that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead was working in Caroline and me, and no name would exalt its name above His name.

Never stand in fear of the names ADD, autism, handicap, Down syndrome - or any of a hundred other names given by society. Jesus conquered death and is seated far above all these names. Call your child healed and whole and know all these other names are under His feet - and therefore, under your feet as well.
Օր 6

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Finding A Treasure

In life the unexpected is sure to happen, and when it does, if you’re like me, you look for answers. In my book Finding A Treasure, I share my journey through life as a teacher and mother of five. After having a child with special needs I needed wisdom. You’ll see in all my searching I found that God's Word was THE Treasure that helped me find mine.
