Clothed in Grace: You Are LovedՕրինակ

Clothed in Grace: You Are Loved

ՕՐ 23 31-ից


No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13

Heavenly Father,  

I pray for purity, especially marital purity. In today’s culture, we’re bombarded with the over-sexualization of both men and women. The world makes it seem normal and that it’s okay to go with your girlfriends to that strip club, or to ogle a man other than your spouse, to put images and fantasies in your mind that take you outside of God’s design for marriage. 

I pray for those who are tempted to stray and look for greener pastures. God will never provide you with someone “better” than the man you married. If you feel He has, that feeling isn’t coming from God. I pray my sisters focus on their marriages and become tempted by their husbands. That they put you, God, at the center of their marriage and so there is healing.

In Jesus' Name



Have you been tempted? It’s time to put it to paper and acknowledge it, so you can defeat it. List below how you’ve been tempted and what you can do to defeat the enemy?

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Clothed in Grace: You Are Loved

Welcome to Clothed In Grace—a 31-day prayer devotional and journal for women. You are God's anointed daughter, and He loves you. This was prayerfully written just for you, my dear sisters.
